Chapter 10 - Luke

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Luke Reynolds

Ma's not home yet, so I guess she's working the night shift again.

Groaning, I fall back onto the sofa and grab a blanket.

I hate being on my own. Usually when she would work nights or evening shift I would stay over at Adrien's, but as we got older sometimes Trevor would spend the night here instead. It's only since summer that I've had to be by myself.

I'm a people person, I hate being in my own company.

I glance over at the clock it's 9:34 pm, maybe I'll try to have an early night even though I had a nap as soon as I got in from school, I just want to get back into bed. 

Sleep seems to be the only way I can escape thinking about everything. I've had enough of having to constantly think inside my own head.

I hate having to remind myself that people do care about me.

I know Trevor cares, he's just going through a lot that he needs to work through on his own and for that he needs space.

And I don't even know how to justify Adrien.

Ugh, I need to stop thinking. I need a break from myself.

Should I try watching something?

I can't seem to concentrate on anything lately. I've not really been reading any comics, and barely kept up to update with webcomic updates. I can't remember the last time I watched anything.

Lazily I grab the remote and turn on Netflix.

Jeez, it's been ages. So much to catch up on.

Grace and Frankie have a whole new season?!


Can always depend on Frankie to make me laugh.

Episode 2 comes to an end just as I hear the front door open.

Shit! Did I forget to lock the door?

Is it a robber?

What should I do?



Fuck, what do I do?




"You okay sweetie, you sound terrified?" Ma asks as she comes rushing into the living room.

She pauses before saying, "I only worked until 10 pm today, 2 till 10, eight-hour shift."

"Oh! I thought you were working until morning."

She shakes her head as she collapses into the sofa beside me.

"Are you watching Grace and Frankie? You said you would watch the new season with me!"

"Sorry, I forgot. I'll stop watching it and then once you've caught up we'll continue it together!" I say trying to make up for my forgetfulness.

I really do hate my brain sometimes.

"You okay, hun?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. How was work?"

"Exhausting, I can already feel a headache coming on! Had a patient do a runner and then got a bollocking for it. I mean I can't physically stop a patient from leaving. Julie keeps trying to escape too, thankfully hasn't made it out the ward doors yet. Brian is pissing everyone off, always screaming and yelling for someone. Lisa went in to ask him if he was okay and he just wanted to complain about the way Sameera did his dressing. For the last four hours of my shift he was begging someone to take him out for a smoke, but we're not allowed to and his brother wouldn't come take him. Then kept asking us to turn his oxygen off, so we kept having to monitor him so he wouldn't smoke in his room. And we can't confiscate his cigarettes either!" Ma groans in frustration before asking, "How was school?"

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