Chapter 16 - Trevor

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Trevor Chidubem

The doorbell ringing forces me to wake up enough to open my eyes.

I slowly look around and realise I'm at Adrien's.

Why the fuck was the doorbell ringing?

Adrien never gets visitors.

It starts ringing again, making me groan aloud before attempting to get up. That's when I realise Luke is sprawled out on top of me.

Gently, I shake his shoulders trying to get him up but he just presses himself further into my chest.

"Luke there's someone at the door, get up."

Damn, I wish I was a heavy sleeper.

"Come on," I say, trying to sit up a bit.

The doorbell rings once again.

"For fucks sake," I mutter, sitting up properly.

Luke manoeuvres himself into a sitting position with his eyes still closed, "What?"

I yank the door open with far too much force.

"Delivery for Trevor?" The guy asks looking at a white slip, "erm, message from Adrien? Training starts in 2 hours?" The guy looks back at me with a shrug, holding out a white plastic bag.

I blink at him twice before taking the bag.

"Who was that?" Luke asks as I sit back down next to him.

"Delivery guy."

"Oo what did you order?"

I shrug passing him the bag before leaning back on the sofa and closing my eyes.

That power nap was definitely needed, but now I just want to go back to sleep for a good 12 hours.

"Adrien ordered us lunch?!"

"Knew we'd complain about the microwave meals."

"I think he's being nice."

"Too nice."

"Well, he's got a lot of making up to do. Oh man he didn't get me noodles."

"Probably a good idea," I mutter under my breath.

"He got you duck and me chicken. There's fried rice and spring rolls too!" Luke exclaims happily.

"Come on, we'll eat in the kitchen," I say getting up.

I grab us plates, glasses and cutlery.

We eat in silence for a bit, I manage to eat a few bites before feeling full. I attempt to not make it obvious that I'm just pushing food around but Luke catches on.

"You're done?"

"Yeah, not hungry."

Luke nods, quiet for a moment contemplating before speaking up, "For how long?"

I shoot him a questioning look.

"For how long have you been not hungry?" He clarifies gently, still watching me.

"I've just not had an appetite since..."

I don't need to finish for him to know what I mean. 

It's not even that I'm starving myself, I just don't feel hungry anymore. I've completely lost my appetite. 

Luke nods, "Is it not feeling hungry or not having the energy to eat?"

I shrug, "I don't know, both I guess."

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