Chapter 8 - Adrien

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Adrien Walker

Something in me snaps as soon I lay my eyes on Nicki, Matt and Tom.

"Hey man!" Matt shouts as he claps me on to back hard.

"We're waiting for that little shi-" I don't let Nicki finish his sentence as my fist connects with his face, he stumbles backwards backing himself into a corner.

I continue to plummet him with punches, I needed to work on my left and right hooks so this is great practice. 

Just as I'm getting into a rhythm two arms try to hold me back. 

"Adrien, come on man that's enough," Matt says trying to pull me away, "He hasn't done shit, man."

Not done shit? Like hell, he fucking hasn't. 

I elbow him hard which causes him to back off. I deliver a powerful roundhouse kick to his head. His body crumbles to the floor and I can't help but feel quite satisfied. 

And now for this dick. I turn around and stare at Matt, will he try and throw a punch? 

Once he realises that I'm in no mood to talk he tries to throw a punch which I easily block followed by a quick one-two combo - jab and then a right cross. I'm quite proud of my last punch when he stumbles backwards with the force. 

He catches himself and stands defensively as if ready to block anything I'll throw at him, but the crescent kick catches him completely off guard, before he has a moment to fall I swiftly deliver a right cross to his face, and he falls face flat with the knockout punch. Damn, even I'm impressed with myself. Practice really does pay off. 

I look around for Tom but he's already dipped.

I would go after him, but Tom didn't put Ethan in the hospital.

I look back down at Nicki and Matt, for good measure, I kick them both a few times in the head and stomp on Matt's leg he lets out a sickening scream so I stop and turn to Nicki, stomping on his arm I don't stop despite his begging and pleading. 

Don't do to others what you can't stand to happen to yourself. 

"What the hell is going on here?" Someone bellows making me stop.

I turn around to see Coach standing just inside the circle of the crowd staring at me in shock, we stare each other down before he turns to look down at Nicki and Matt.  He looks back at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"Just a disagreement Coach," I say looking him in the eye.

"Alright then, the three of you get cleaned up and everyone else head to class." He nods before walking away.

Someone whistles and shouts, "Dayumn."

But I can't see who it is. 

I wait for the crowd to disappear before looking down at the bloody bodies of Matt and Nicki laying on the floor. Deserves them fucking right.

I crouch down, and they both stare back, "Now I don't want to keep having to repeat myself so I'm only going to say this one last time. Leave Ethan the fuck alone. Do I make myself clear?"

They both nod, wincing as they do. 

"I said, do I make myself clear?"



I nod and then walk away. 

Before going to class, I stop at the toilets.

Upon taking one look at myself in the mirror, I immediately leave.

First I stop off at the Nurse's office. I don't bother knocking, instead just walk straight inside.

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