Chapter 9 - Adrien

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Adrien Walker

I forced myself to go to school this morning and sit through all my classes and tryouts. Honestly, I wouldn't even be able to tell you a single thing that happened today, I was far too spaced out.

Now I'm walking through the corridors of the hospital just about to enter his room.

Where is he? I look around the room once again only to see a stripped bed and an empty room.

Where has he gone?

Have they changed his room?

Instead of pondering on it any longer, I leave the room to find someone to ask.

The guy behind the desk checks his computer before telling me that Ethan checked out around 2pm.

"What? I thought they would be keeping him in longer," I ask slightly panicked, he didn't look all too great the last time I saw him and they said they had to monitor his head injury closely. 

"He checked out AMA - against medical advice."

I thank the receptionist and leave the hospital.

Why did he check out early? He has two fractured ribs. A goddam head injury and a bruised leg! He probably can't even walk without limping. What if he gets beat up again and he ends up in a worse condition because he didn't stay at the hospital? The fucking moron.

This is why he's a damn idiot.

I decide to stop off at the park and run around the track a few times before going home, I need to clear my head and let off some steam. 

What if he bumps into the wrong person and they leave him laying in a ditch somewhere?

What if he's gone home and the fucking sheriff is beating him up?

He'll be back in the hospital in no time. 

Would it really have killed him to stay there another night? 

As soon as I exit my car, it starts chucking it down. It's worse than yesterday.

I know I'm going to get soaked during my run so I pull on the plastic covers over the front two seats. So when I get back I can throw my hoodie onto the passenger seat without worrying about everything getting wet and smelling.

I start running and don't stop, even when my legs feel weak and my knees want to give out, even when my clothes completely stick to my body making me feel uncomfortable, or when it feels like my lungs are going to collapse. I don't know how long I run for but my entire body is aching and soaked. I head over to the swings to sit down to catch my breath. I love the feeling of the rain hitting my skin.

I close my eyes and move my head backwards so the rain is hitting my face directly, it's something I've always done since I was a kid. I can feel the rain slow down.

I open my eyes and take a look around the park. They installed a new zip wire a few years back and replaced the tire swing, but other than that it's the same park that I've been going to my whole life.

The four of us spent countless weekends here. Trevor, Luke and I used to come here nearly every day after school, especially in the summer. Charlie started joining us once he turned 10, Mrs Chidubem wouldn't let him so he'd sneak out and join us afterwards. Trevor would always give him an earful and then they'd both get in trouble once they got home - Trevor more than Charlie. But I sort of understand Mrs Chidubem's overprotectiveness now. But it would never deter Charlie from sneaking out. 

I get up to walk over to the jungle gym where the four of us carved our names.

Walking over I see a figure curled up underneath the jungle gym, in between the climbing frame and slide. Quickening my pace, I rush over to see if they're okay. Maybe they're just shielding themselves from the rain. As I get closer, the more the figure looks like a small kid. Maybe they're lost.

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