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~Chapter Song: IINFINTE 'Be Mine'~

~Chapter Song: Moon Hyung Seo 'Half'~

So-Hyun had a busy day today with her training drawing nearer to an end and with extra meetings related to her project she was practically a full employee. She couldn't complain too much though because as straining as it was, it was rewarding, and she liked the feeling of having accomplished something or even having the smallest impact on others' lives. After parking the car, she stretched slightly and made her way inside the house. She didn't think she would use the car as much as she does now, but she was going through the stage where driving to any location was enticing.

As soon as she got inside she greeted her mother and almost flew to her room collapsing on the bed. She patted her stomach satisfied. On her way home she noticed that the Burger joint opposite McDonalds was looking especially lonely, whilst McDonalds was being flooded with customers. Her stomach was grumbling and she couldn't stand the injustice she was witnessing before her very eyes. You could call it sympathy of some sort.

Long story short, she had stopped off at the burger joint before coming home.

Undoing her jacket she threw it across the room and fell back on the bed to close her eyes at the pleasant thought that tomorrow was Saturday and she could essentially do nothing. Just as she was drifting off, the vibration from her phone startled her. Roaming around for it she looked at the caller ID and saw Ms Lee's number appear.  

"Hello, Eommonim?"

"Dear, are you busy?"

"No, Eommoni is everything okay?" She greeted, trying to sound like she wasn't surprised by the call.

"Oh, I'm not. I have a package that I need to pick up tomorrow morning, but I have an appointment that I can't miss with the oriental doctor, Ji-Sub is at a seminar and as you know Seung-Ho is still doing reports on his speech, so I was wondering..."

So-Hyun giggled at his mother's long explanation. "Eommonim! Where do I need to go?"

"Really? Oh, I was worried I didn't want to seem like the terrible mother-in-law that sends you on errands. I'll send you the directions as soon as I know how this map application on my app works." She said quizzically, and So-Hyun tried to stifle a laughter. His mother could be the cutest when she wanted to be.

"Just send me the address, I can do the rest from there Eommoni."

As soon as she wrote down the address So-Hyun laid back down, choosing to not lose any more possible sleeping time by removing her clothes. She fell asleep, happy that she had something t help Ms Lee with.

The next morning So-Hyun woke up to the sound of her alarm at 9am and she quickly rose to get ready. Since summer was scorching the citizens of Seoul, she decided to wear a pair of denim shorts and a white t-shirt that contrasted the slight tan that she had gotten. She was lucky because there was a bus every ten minutes that goes to Ganghwa Island from the Seoul city station so by the time she got there she was in time for the next departing one.

On the bus she sent a message to Seung-Ho bragging about how close she's gotten to his mother.


>I think your mother has completely fallen for me.

>She sends me on errands now! That's good right?

>Means that she trusts me hmm ^^

Satisfied with her boasting, she puts her phone in her bag and takes out her book that she prepared for the long journey.

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