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~Chapter Song: Sanchez '5 more minutes'~

December soon approached, the roads were icy and the streets crowded with people in thick coats. The steam from the street vendors were palpable with Christmas lights still decorating the city of Seoul. Today was New Year's Eve and as the time that they must part draws near they both wanted to get away from the city to spend the last few days together.

Seung-Ho took So-Hyun to Ganghwa Island, the same place where they had once visited the Psychiatric Facility during her first year of University, just outside of Seoul. She questioned his choice slightly disappointed at it, but he said he had his 'reasons'. She didn't mind too much however, because this time she had the oppertunity to explore but last time it was strictly for learning purposes and well... She wasn't in love with him then.

They spent the first two days traversing and doing indoor activities, but at So-Hyun's request because it was their last day she wanted them to just relax and be with each other. They were currently strolling, hand in hand along the same bridge they once walked before.

"You'll have to get used to the cold, I searched it up and it turns out London isn't as cold as here, so I'm sure you'll be fine." She said, fixing the scarf around his neck.

"But I won't have you to warm me up..." He pouted.

"Wear layers." She countered cheekily ignoring his defeated look.

Seung-Ho paused turning to their view, the skies had already darkened, the stars were fewer this this time around and he could see them being mirrored in the clear waters. He smiled and let out a deep sigh. "This place must be a lucky place for me." He said, turning to So-Hyun who was now staring at him with brows furrowed not understanding his words.

"This was where you first gave me a chance. When you first held my pinkie with that tiny finger of yours..." He chuckled at the memory, making So-Hyun hide her face against his chest in embarrassment.

"One day..." He started but stopped and moved So-Hyun back so that he could get a clearer look at her. He surveyed her eyes, noticing they were watery and that her nose had gotten red from the cold. Shyly he continued, "One day, I'm going to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me here. In this very spot."

"Oppa..." She breathed, flushed at his sudden honesty. His words were simple, and she knew they weren't even about the present. They were of a future that neither of them knew about, but why was it that she wanted to answer him now. Why was it that she couldn't see anyone else besides him in her future?

"Not here though." Her words were muffled against his chest, earning her a soft laugh from Seung-Ho.

He shook his head a little, before speaking, his tone filled with innocence as if he knew she would say that. "Honestly, you try and say something romantic..."

Tightening her hold on his waist, she inhaled his musky scent, and she wonders how someone could smell the exact same way for the past three years. She couldn't help but feel like he was all that she needed. Was this right? Should she be feeling like this? He entered into her life out of nowhere and now she has completely fallen for him, meaning more to her than she had ever thought.

Seung-Ho raised his arm to check the time on his watch, upon seeing that it was midnight he pulled back and beamed at So-Hyun. He scooped her up into a long lazy kiss to which So-Hyun gladly reciprocated. He tasted like winter and sweet, sweet hot-chocolate. It was divine. Her feet almost came off the ground and she clung onto him, as if to tell him not to go.

Not to leave.

Breaking apart he whispered, "Happy New Year."

She had already known that love could be a beautiful and painful experience, but in this moment gazing into his eyes, she now remembers that it can be a scary thing too.

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