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~Chapter Song1: Kim Na Young 'I'm okay'~

(Ruler OST's were just bomb TT.)

~Chapter Song2: BEAST 'Without You'~


The next month came all too quickly for So-Hyun and dead on the dot of six in the morning, fuelled by a warm cup of caramel macchiato from her favourite café by their house, she made her way to work. Scanning the empty office upon arrival, she walked in and sunk into her chair with a sigh.

Shedding off her jacket she stood back up again with her drink in hand, walking towards the windows to pull up the blinds. Glugging the last bit of her coffee down, she threw it in the bin closest to the window. It was quiet as usual being the first one there she allowed herself to be free, exhaling and taking in the view.

Whenever she walked those streets with Seung-Ho everything seemed quiet, but as of recent to her she had started to become aware of the busyness and the noise. Even at the crack of dawn cars lined the roads and people in suits shuffled back and forth.

"I must have looked like that this morning..." She mutters to herself.

She suddenly took notice of her reflection, and she examined it. Her hair was in a tight bun and her light blue work shirt was tucked tightly into her trousers. Taking in another deep breath, she stretched her arms, turning to go back to her cubicle. Her newly assigned desk was by the door, she had asked to swap with Ha-Na so that she wouldn't need to sit right next to Sun-Woo and Ha-Na was more than pleased to do so. She didn't close the door so from the corner of her eye she could see when and if her colleagues arrived.

Thinking that something had passed by her, she leaned back from her desk to double-check but didn't hear or see anyone. Relaxing back into her seat she picked up her phone to check the time but jumped when she heard a sudden thud outside the door. Turning to the source she broke into a soft smile when her gaze landed upon counsellor Jung-Ah.

"Oh, So-Hyun-ssi you're here early?" She perked with a grin, seeming to be struggling with a few items. Her coffee, morning newspaper, handbag and car-keys were fighting for a position in her hands, not to speak of the files that were currently on the floor.

So-Hyun rose quickly to help her. "Counsellor Jung-Ah, good morning. Let me get those for you." She insisted, gathering the files and walking to her own office.

"Thank you, sorry to bother you, but good thing I met you this morning. Sometimes I think I'm superwoman really." She mumbled when they arrived, and So-Hyun could only give her a sympathetic smile. Excusing herself she turned around only to notice a piece of paper on the floor. She picked it up thinking it was one of the loose ones that fell earlier, but her eyes couldn't help but catch the words on the sheet. It seemed to be records of a counselling session.

"Counsellor... Sorry, I didn't mean to read it." So-Hyun apologised, she was well aware of confidentiality and was lucky enough she didn't see the name of the client.

Jung-Ah took the paper and gave a small smile to reassure her, "Don't worry. These are just transcripts from case studies that we'll be using for our session later today." She then handed the paper back to her. "Would you like to have a look? I'll make sure you have a different one to work with later?" She winked.

So-Hyun hesitated for a while, but since the paper was already in her hands and she really didn't have anything else to do till everyone else clocked in for work she took it. Accepting the seat Jung-Ah offered her, she read through the transcript.

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