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~Chapter song: Shawn Mendes 'The Weight'~

The morning sun shun through the window of So-Hyun's kitchen, making her sugar-glazed cereal hoops glisten in the light. "Eomma... I got in" she said in response to her mother's question about her job interview. So-Hyun had heard her mother bragging to her friends over the phone and even though she questioned why she did that for a simple interview, she was lucky that she had gotten in otherwise what would her mum would have to say in front of her friends?

"Honey, that's great news... Why do you not sound happy about that?" Her mother asked, her smile turning into a questioning look. So-Hyun shrugged in response, not really knowing how to tell her mother her best friend disappeared two years ago and is now a CEO of a huge company... not one for the story books.

"Well, I don't think I'll like my CEO very much?" So-Hyun confessed and was taken aback when her mother started to laugh.

"Honey, if everyone loved their bosses then everyone would want to work and be employed, but that's not the case. Look at me, do you think your mum loves her seniors at work?" Her mother shook her head answering her own question and continued "No. Especially that Mrs Jung... That's besides the point, you haven't even started yet and you think you won't like them"

So-Hyun nodded her head, realising that this was true "But-"

"Wait, did he or she kill someone?"

"What? Mum? No! And it's a he."

"Right, then is he famous for firing people on the spot?"

"I don't think so?"

"Then what's the problem? Did you date him?" Ms Jeon questioned, ignoring the way So-Hyun almost spat out her cereal, genuinely not understanding her daughter's concern. "Unless there's something you're not telling me, I really don't see the issue. I don't want to generalise this, but the basic bosses are the same everywhere, you'll meet some you like, and you'll meet some you don't like. All you need to do as an employee is to do your job well and that's it."

"Okay... I guess I'll think about it some more. Thanks mum."

"Good, also don't forget we have dinner plans tonight okay?" She left as she saw So-Hyun nod.

That same night So-Hyun had gotten ready for the dinner plans with her mother and one of her close friends. Why So-Hyun had to be there she did not know, her mother said something about meeting up with family friends and So-Hyun couldn't really care less, but since it was something her mother wanted she went along with it. She was wearing a pink mini skirt with a white chiffon blouse tucked in and white pumps to match. Her mother told her to dress like a 'girl' - whatever that meant.

They had agreed to meet at a restaurant in the streets of Gangnam at 8 after her mother got off work and because So-Hyun wasn't used to the area, she navigated her way using the GPS on her phone. She somehow needs to get over this anxiety she gets of being in cars, ever since that night whenever she thinks of getting into a car alone her body goes weak. She managed to stay in the car with Seung-Ho once as he kept her distracted and she did her best to hide her anxieties, but it was still there, ever suffocating and ever persistent.

Standing outside, she tried to peer inside the window to see if she could find her mother and she did. Walking in slowly, she approached their table and greeted her mother and her friend. "Good evening, aunty*."

"Oh, So-Hyun-ah you've gotten so pretty! Don't you remember me?" Am I supposed to? "I carried you when you were little, and even took you to pre-school sometimes" The woman said, as if that was supposed to magically jog her memory.

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