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~Chapter song: Bii 'Back in Time'~

So-Hyun sat at the back of the lecture theatre, observing as Seung-Ho dominated the stage with his presence. His pronunciation, his swift movements and the passion in his eyes reminded So-Hyun of her first year at University and how they had first met. She smiled at the thought, her eyes swiftly meeting his as he scanned the room.

"Thank you for listening, this concludes my speech." Seung-Ho concluded. So-Hyun clapped louder than the other spectators in support of Seung-Ho who had just given a speech on his recent research project. It had only been a few months since she graduated but being back on University grounds already felt nostalgic.

She carefully walked down the long stairs to the stage and outside of the hall to wait for Seung-Ho. By the look on his face she could tell he was surprised to see her walk out. Despite having talked about their relationship and Seung-Ho being okay with being seen at his workplace, she didn't want to sour the ambience, especially with highly respected professors and psychologists were there.

"So-Hyun-ah" Seung-Ho whispered, gently pulling her back inside the theatre. He held her hand tighter when she tried to let go as they walked towards two men who were much older than Seung-Ho, evident from their gray hair and portruding bellies. "Professor Jung, Professor Yoon this is Kim So-Hyun... my partner. So-Hyun-ah these are some of the professors that helped with my research." So-Hyun reddened under the stares and noise that they made but still managed to greet them. She glanced at Seung-Ho who although was still in his professional mode, there was a light aura around him.

What have I done to him? She asked herself in surprise. The Professor she knew back at University wouldn't have even cracked a smile let alone divulge his private life like this. But then again, times have changed and so has he. She eased in his presence.

"Ah no wonder! I was wondering why somebody who usually never smiled suddenly started to smile checking his phone every free period he has." Professor Jung chimed.

"You've really done a 180 on this man, So-Hyun-ssi. I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing it, it's nice to see him living like a normal person." Professor Yoon added, his eyes drifting behind her "Oh? Professor Ara, you made it? Come here!"

So-Hyun froze at the mention of her name. She hadn't exchanged words with Ara-seonsaengnim since she had warned her to break things off with Seung-Ho before. So-Hyun originally admired Ara and that hasn't changed, but the words that she had spoken to her that day were still prominent in So-Hyun's mind and she saw a different person to the one she had once called her professor.

Seung-Ho must have felt So-Hyun's change in mood as he drew her closer to his side, giving her a supportive smile when she raised her head. "Head up and be confident. You're my girl." He whispered.

"Professor Ara, how did you find the talk?" Professor Yoon asked.

"Very enlightening. I hope that this will be a kickstart to further development in the brain mechanisms underlying thought. It's an area I've been interested in myself." She explained. So-Hyun unconsciously let out a yawn, covering her mouth for politeness but by the glare Ara sent her way it didn't translate that way.

"So-Hyun haksaeng, no that's not right. So-Hyun-ssi, long time no see." She greeted, smirking at the way the other two professor's eyes widened at the revelation. So-Hyun made sure to keep her composure. Seung-Ho was right, they had nothing to be embarassed about and she had no reason to feel inferior to Ara anymore.

"Professor Ara, it's nice to see you again" a gummy smile thrown her way.

"Oh, so you were a student at this University?" Professor Jung inquired, and So-Hyun nodded her head. "Well... That's interesting. What does that matter hey?" He laughed "Love is a strange thing am I right? I met my wife as her supervisor back at University, of course back then things were a bit stricter." He enlightened them with his story.

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