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~Chapter Song1: Seo In Guk - 'Flower'~

~Chapter Song2: XIA 'Lean on Me'~

"Oh." was all that So-Hyun's mouth could form. She wasn't expecting it to be in London or anywhere outside of Seoul to be exact.

"But, I'm not thinking about it you know. It's something that I can always do later..." He explained how it would be for preliminary data to kick-start the cross-cultural comparisons he wants to make for further conclusions. Since he had completed those in Seoul already, Ji-Sub thought it would be good to apply, but he had no expectations for it.

So-Hyun listened to what he had to say, making sure to not miss a single word. She was still in his arms, her hands hanging loosely on his shoulders pondering on the news. He says he had no expectations, but So-Hyun could see the excitement in him. She softened her eyes, "Oppa, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It was something I did half-heartedly, I didn't think I'd be accepted for it. And I guess I didn't want you to worry about me leaving and all of that."

"Oppa, don't be silly, why wouldn't you take this opportunity? If it's because of us, then don't worry too much." She admits, it would be a test to their relationship, but for now she's strong enough to believe that they can get through it. "It's not like you're upping and leaving tomorrow right? We'll still have time together and by the time you're back, we won't even know that we were apart." She said in one breath, not really knowing which one of them she was trying to convince.


"You'll be going in three months, right? But that's still teaching period... What will you do about your teaching? Will they get a replacement?" She inquired, and he nodded but So-Hyun could see it was weak.

"But So-Hyun-ah..." He tried again, but she cut him off softly.

"Remember you told me it's okay to do some of the things that make you uncomfortable, you should do it... Don't let us hold you back, Oppa." She said reassuringly, brushing his bed hair apart. "I want to support you with this. I'll be fine, we'll be fine."

"You trust me, right?" She questioned, and he nodded immediately. "I trust you too so let's both trust the way we feel for each other. Why do it later when you can just do it now, oh? Don't think too much, I just want you to do what you want to do and be happy doing it."

Seung-Ho stared into So-Hyun's eyes looking for any sign of slight wavering from her. Her words of encouragement were firm in his ears, but he also knew in his heart that she was having the same thoughts that he was. Thoughts of the distance and the time that they would be spending apart. Choosing to believe her words he gave her a warm smile and he held onto her tighter.

She concluded by puckering her lips, letting him know that he shouldn't say anymore. He let out a light laugh, reaching upwards to warm her lips with his.

If we're prisoners to comfort, then we judge our own sentence and So-Hyun didn't want either of them to do unnecessary time. Love isn't selfish, so So-Hyun didn't want to be selfish either. She didn't want to stop Seung-Ho from reaching a what could be a new milestone in his life. She couldn't do that to him and it's research that will be benefiting the world, thinking about being the woman that stopped research that could potentially help people sent shivers down her spine.

Love hurts sometimes and if it meant going through five months of pain to prove it was love, then So-Hyun would do just that.

Because love also cares.

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