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~Chapter Song: Henry 'It's You'~

"Will you be my girlfriend? WILL you be my girlfriend? Will you be MY girlfriend? Will you BE my girlfriend? Ah what are you doing, you sound like an idiot!" A frustrated and nervous Seung-Ho was staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror of the restaurant he and So-Hyun were at trying to formulate a way to ask So-Hyun to be his girlfriend.

After she had left his house that night, he set out a date for the next weekend where he wanted to make things official between them. During the whole week he had been debating with himself on whether to ask or not, he didn't want to do it partly because their relationship was already a risky one and he somehow thought if they added a title to it, she would be even more burdened.

But he also wanted to ask her because he knows that So-Hyun is also a woman and he wanted to make sure she knew he was all hers officially.

He had it all planned out in his head; candle-lit dinner, a little wine and romantic music to top it off. But the closer the day came the more nervous he got and the more he realised that all that wasn't So-Hyun's style.

"Google said it would work on anyone though" He muttered, fixing his hair in the mirror.

But then again Google doesn't know So-Hyun like I do.

He walked back into the private room that he had booked for them and took another moment to look at the beauty in front of him. She was wearing a black lace dress with her hair bone straight and lips lathered in red lipstick, enticing him. "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" He asked approaching the table.

"Yes, about ten times already" She said making fun of him.

"Ah, is that so" He said giving a nervous smile, "Well it's true"

"Thank you"

"So-Hyun-ah, do you know that?" He started, trying to gather his words into something understandable.


"Do you know why we want who we want?" He asked, his attention now fixed on the steak in front of him. "Attraction can creep up on us unexpectedly, and we think that we have no dominion or control over who we like purely based on the idea that someone is good looking. But that's not true"

"We can actually overcome any form of attraction at first sight, just look at you. I'm sure you were attracted to me at first but forced yourself not to give in" He said with a smirk, carefully looking at her reaction.

"Wrong, I really wasn't attracted to you" she said with a smile.

"Anyway" He continued brushing it off, "The real determiner is the chemistry between two people, it's all biology, looks can only get you so far, so-"

"Seonsaengnim" So-Hyun cut him off with a little laugh


"Am I taking Psych101 or am I on a date?" Her eyes staring at him in amusement.

"Ah sorry"

"No, I like it, but you seem different today, like you're nervous" she observed.

"Ah really, was it that obvious?"

"Seonsaengnim, what do you really want to say?"

"So-Hyun-ah, I've probably thought of about a thousand ways I could ask you this question and I still failed to find one. I'm carefully falling in love with you and I don't know how you'll take it, you don't even have to give me an answer but I just- "

"Seonsaengnim, what is it that you want to say" So-Hyun asked carefully, taking his hands in hers.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" There, I said it.

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