Chapter 18

480 18 16

Life goes on

Letting out a heavy sigh she opened her eyes. She was tired and the bags under her eyes were evident. She did not want to get up and face the world today. She wanted to stay home. Away from the prying eyes. Her skinny hands lay on her stomach as she stared into space. For the past few days getting up in the morning has become a task for her. She struggles to sleep soundly. She doesn't remember the last time is had a good and decent sleep. Every night her thoughts keep her awake. She could feel her body slowly giving up on her. She tried her best to stay positive, but it was never enough. This too shall pass she reminded herself as she gained courage to wake up and get ready for the long day ahead. Taking a deep breath she made her way towards the bathroom. The hot water soothed her aching bones. As she lathered herself in her favorite rose scented body wash, her thoughts replayed last night's scenario. She couldn't seem to understand him at all. One minute he was being gentle and the very next minute he his seemed guarded and she could feel his walls around him. His jaws clutched. She reached up to caress his sculpted face. She wanted to take away his pain. His hands shot up midway blocking her actions as a reflex.

Her breath hitched and she could feel her pulse rising as he gently stroked her wrist and bought her quivering and skinny wrist to his lips. Looking deep into her eyes, he grazed her wrist.

After that incident he didn't stick around much. Aurora hoped that he would but as soon he got a phone call he stepped out of the living room to attend it and the next thing she knows is that he is saying her a curt goodbye and walking towards the front door. Their eyes met for the last time before he closed the door on his way out. And that was it for Aurora. Disturbed by his behavior she promised herself to steer clear of him. She did not want any drama nor did she have the strength to deal with it right now. Her mind was racing with thoughts and before she could overthink she busied herself and cleaned her whole apartment that day. The smell of the lemon detergent and the foam on her wet hands calmed her down. Strange, yes but it was therapeutic for her.
At the end of the day she felt satisfied.

Hey guys!
I am so so sorry, its been so long since i have updated and i know that there are some of y'all who were waiting to read the next chapter and some of y'all wondered what happened to me.
I am so sorry to keep you guys waiting. I hit writer's block and i had other things to deal with.
Due to the Covid situation there's been so much negativity around the world it became difficult to concentrate and stay positive at such times
I sincerely hope you guys are doing well and being safe.
Happy New Year guys 💕
PS- this is a snippet of the next chapter and personally its not my very best and there might be some mistakes but i had to put it out there to let y'all know that i am back and that i will continue this book as promised no matter how long this takes
Although it's difficult to update frequently due to my online classes and other work
I will try my best
Thankyou so much for believing in me and giving my book a chance
I am very grateful to all my readers 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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