Chapter 4

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White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes

Aurora didn't get any sleep last night. After ending the call she felt content. Her best friend was coming home and she couldn't be more happier. Last night she made mental plans of all the things that needed to be done before Lena could arrive.

Soon it was dawn and the sun was shining brightly once again. The melodious sound of birds chirping around could be heard as they soared high up in the blue sky. Getting out of the bed, she quickly completed her morning routine and got dressed. Wearing her favourite pastel blue blouse Aurora paired it up with some jeans. Tossing her hair in a messy bun she fixed herself something to eat before she made her way to the barn, getting ready for a new day.

After feeding the horses with some hay and water, Aurora took a walk with them around the ranch as they neighed  picking up their speed. She watched at they happily ran around the wild pastures which looked golden under the bright sunlight. It was enchanting and mesmerising. Since it was a Sunday, the shop was closed. Aurora decided to spend her morning reading the old Art History books. Time quickly flew by and as Aurora glanced at the clock mounted on the opposite wall it read that it was already past one. She felt excitement run through her veins as any minute now Lena would show up. Before ending the call yesterday Lena promised she would come by lunchtime. Taking this opportunity Aurora whipped up Lena's favourite dish with blueberry cheesecake for dessert. Soon she heard the sound of the vehicle pulling up near her porch. She opened her front door and stepped out, almost tripping in the process. Excited to her best friend.

Soon she saw a blonde stepping out of the taxi wearing some jeans and a flannel. Grinning at her, she made her way towards the blue eyed blonde giving her a bear hug. Giggles surrounded them, as Lena's beautiful voice reached the brunette's ears.

"Yeah yeah, missed you too Aurora." Lena laughed out loud looking at her childhood friend. Together they made their way towards the house, catching up on all the talks they missed just like the old times.

I was blessing my timeline with Finn Wolfhard's pictures. Are you a Stranger Things fan?

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