Chapter 11

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I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
You better stop the things you do
I tell ya I ain't lyin'

"Rise and shine A!!! I've made your favourite pancakes with maple syrup! Get up or I swear to God I will drag you by your hair if it's necessary." Lena's high pitched voice reached Aurora's ears as she grumbled beneath her breath. Clearly she was a morning person.

Shrugging the covers off her, Aurora climbed down the bed. She could hear rustling of the vessels in the kitchen as she made her way to the bathroom. Completing her morning routine in a sluggish way Aurora stepped into the kitchen. She saw Lena tapping her hands on the counter waiting for her impatiently.

"Finally! I was starving here to death! I am so hungry! Come on let's hog now" Lena said. Before she knew Lena started eating in an unlady like manner. Looking at her cave man form Aurora chuckled lightly. After finishing their breakfast they made their way to the barn. It had been a long time since Lena visited so Aurora thought it would be nice to take Lena to the barn too. Feeding the horses fresh golden hay, Lena started stroking the pony who neighed pushing his head more into Lena's palm. Lena let out a small laugh.

They spent few hours there feeding the horses and riding them. Lena was here only for two more days before she headed back to New York. Taking this opportunity Aurora made sure to spend more time with her as she did not know when she will be back again to visit her. They were sitting on the sofa lazing around when a soft knock on Aurora's front door was heard. The girls looked at each other wondering who could it be. Aurora made her way towards the door with Lena trailing behind her.

There stood Dominic with a smug look on his face and a grinning Bridget behind him.

"Hey Aurora, how are you? I missed you too! So anyway, cutting to the chase. You, me, Bridget and that rodent infestation are going out for lunch" Dominic said, more like stated.

" I knew my day wasn't going to go so well" Lena's sarcastic voice spoke from behind.

"I missed you too doll" Dom retorted back, rolling his eyes.

"Okay enough you too, guys i am starving can we please go and get something to eat before i go ninja on all of your asses" Bridget grumbled.

"Okay okay, hold on we're coming" Lena told them to wait in the living room while they both went and got ready. Aurora fixed her navy blue shirt and the blue jeans which had specks of dirt and hay as she dusted them off. She looked over to Lena to see her fixing her hair. She looked beautiful in the white summer dress.

"Okay, let's roll" grabbing Aurora's hand she went to the living room where Dom and Bridget were talking.

"Aw, look at y'all. My favourite blonde and brunette in the world. Geez i feel like a proud parent." Dominic spoke which made Lena scowl at him.

"I cannot believe i am stuck with him. Urgh. So help me God." Lena spoke in an exaggerating way.

They reached Jimmy's which was a restaurant located in the heart of the city. When Bridget asked where to go, Aurora and Lena suggested to eat at Jimmy's. They used to go there together sometimes after school ended or whenever it was lunch time. It was famous for it's speciality which was steak and pork. They entered the restaurant and sat at the table near the window. Soon the waitress came and took their order. Taking the girls suggestion Dom and Bridget ordered a medium steak. Soon they indulged into the conversation. As usual Dom and Lena were bickering about Italian food over Chinese while Bridget told Aurora all about her contracts she's done so far in the weddings. Aurora was about to ask more questions as she was inquisitive about what Bridget spoke when she heard a phone ring. It was Dominic's. He excused himself and went over to the corner to receive the call.

Soon he came back grinning at the girls. Something was definitely going on. Lena suspected it too while Bridget was texting on her phone unaware of the situation.

"What's up with the grinning you little punk" Lena asked looking up at Dom who stood at the end of the table.

"Well that was Lyril on the phone. He's still here and wanted to know about my whereabouts. I told him i am having lunch with two most beautiful girls in the world and well.... he is coming here. Says he is free and is up for eating." Dom spoke.

Aurora turned her head towards Dom so fast it almost gave her a whiplash.
Hearing Dom, the girls squealed in excitement.

"Oh my God, he is coming here! That's wonderful. I haven't met him personally at the wedding because i was so caught up and he didn't even show up for the wedding rehearsal. This is so great. I finally get to meet him" Lena gushed. Her eyes sparkled.

Well someone was eager. Aurora thought.

"Oh that's wonderful! Thank the Lords!! Finally someone must have knocked some sense into his thick skull to get over the business and live a little. I swear that guy is all work and no play. How does he do that? Urgh, it's so exhausting working all the time without taking a break and going for a vacation. Maybe getting a tan or something." Bridget spoke rolling her eyes.

" I know right. I keep telling him but he doesn't listen. Anyway he's coming so we'll wait for him to order too and then we can eat together and roam a bit around the town" Dom suggested.

"Sounds like a plan" Lena and Bridget nodded their head in agreement.

"Hey Aurora, are you alright? You've been awfully quite" Lena turned her head towards her. All three of them looked at her with those curious eyes. It was true. She was awfully quiet after Dom spoke about him coming here. She felt a little uneasy. The way he looked at her after the wedding ended made her feel uncomfortable. He was staring at her as if he was looking deep into her cold soul. As if he was trying to solve her mysterious aura.

Clearing her throat, she shook her head slightly feeling a bit flustered.

"I'm fine. I'm just hungry." Aurora spoke in her steady voice. Time flew by rather quickly and Dom said that Lyril is on his way. Any minute and he would be here now.

"Hey! Wait a minute! You said two most beautiful girls! It's three you dweeb!" Lena shouted at Dom in an accusing way.

"Finally. Took you long enough eh?" Dominic chuckled slightly making Lena blush in embarrassment. Before they could continue their "civil talk" the door to the restaurant opened making a jingling sound indicating a person stepped in. Dom's as well as Bridget's eyes shone in recognition. Aurora turned her head to look at the person.

There he stood in all his glory wearing a black shirt and jeans. He hair slightly ruffled as if he had run his fingers through it many times. The shirt hugged his body making his muscles visible. His eyes stood out due to the dark coloured shirt he was wearing. Aurora looked around to see everyone looking at the fine male specie who had entered the restaurant. She saw Lena looking at him with her mouth slightly open checking him out. Turning her head towards him again she saw him making his way towards the table they were at with his eyes solely focused on her. Again. For the second time.

What. The. Llama.

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