Chapter four

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Chapter 4

I knew I was going to have to face Frankie once I got home. What was I going to say to him?

I finally forced myself to walk through the door. I saw him sitting in his chair, with a beer in one hand, weed in the other, and a devious smile on his face.

"Ah, Jayden. Just the one I've been waiting for." He started to get up.

"Hi Frankie." I said quietly and started to walk upstairs.

"No, no, no." He said following me up. I continued to walk upstairs.

He ran up behind me, and put his hands on my shoulders. I turned around quickly so I was face to face with him. Than suddenly...

He kissed me.

"Oh my god, what are you doing!" I shouted ripping my lips from his.

He pulled me tighter, shoving his hand over my mouth. I squirmed and tried to release myself from his grip, but he was too strong for me.

"Shh, if you fight me I'll kill you."  

Tears rolled down my cheeks as Frankie did the unthinkable. I had this terrible feeling that this wouldn't be a one-time thing. 

Finally, he finished up, throwing me onto the floor. 

"Clean it up, daddies little whore." He laughed. Laughed so much he was making his own stomach hurt.

I ran out of the house and walked almost 10 blocks to Lacey's house. 

She came to the door with a confused yet happy look on her face.

"Hey Jay!" she said happily throwing her arms me. 

"He raped me Lace." I blurted, and she immediately unwrapped her arms from around me, and pulled me into her house.

"What’s that I just heard?" questioned Laceys mom Barbara from the kitchen.

"We have to tell her Jay."

"No...No." I pleaded. Lacey just nodded and continued to tell her mother the news I have just given her.

* 5 minutes later *

"Oh baby!" Barbara started to tear, while wrapping me in a big hug. I hugged her back, very tightly.

We all sat down in they're living room, and I stared at the bright blue walls. 

"Did he do anything else to you?" Asked Barbara, placing a hand on my knee.

I gulped.

"No." I lied. I could see the look on Lacey's face change.

"Does your mother know about this?" She asked softly

"He shot her." Added in Lacey, and we both looked at her in horror. She knew I was trying to avoid that, but she said it anyway. 

How could she do this to me? She didn't even ask me if it was okay! 

That’s when Barbara really started to sob, and Lacey started to also. What else was I supposed to do? 

I joined in. 

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