Old friend of Min Rin ! Jimin Jealous ?!

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POV Min Rin

I was in front of the door of the university waiting for my friend Kim Jiki . She came and she asked a question suddenly.

-" Rin ! I just see you with Jin of BTS now ! Is my imagination or the reality ?"

-" Oh ! Yes I see him too with that girl ! Look !" , I said to her .

When she looked , she become angry .

-" What's happen Jiki ? Why are you angry all of a sudden ?" , I asked her .

-" Oh ! I forget that your are left the kpopers world  ! That Girl is Kim Han Young dating Jeon Jungkook of BTS and now filrting with Jin Hyung ....Pff ", said to me .

-" Oh Han Young with Jungkook ? How ? Are you not your besty ?" , I asked .

-" No anymore ! And also she is in the rich class ! Min Rin , I know that your bias is Jin Hyung ! One day , I will reveal the real face of That Han Young but not today !" , Jiki said to me .

-" No Need ! I am happy like that ! I had also my new job with that group !" , I confessed to her .

-" But Min Rin who's that group ?" , She asked me.

-" Is Just a korean group who told me to heal them because the grand father of one of them helped him in Osaka in Japan ...Pff a long story ! I will told you later !" , I answered.

-" And if you asked for job in BIGHITS ? So you will accept ?" , She asked the finally question .

-" Of Course no ! Even I become of Hater but I still loves their songs and Want see them properly or if GOD want !" , I said to her .

After we go to the SuperMarket because I have a free day .

+In The SuperMarket+

Shopping and talking about that Han Young , Jiki remembered me about something.

-" Kim Han Young ! Oh ! I know that girl ! This girl come to the hospital that year and said that was been injured of some girl !" , I said .

-" yes sister ! she is ! She is not an ordinary girl ! She is also from a rich family in Busan and her and Jungkook are Childhood friends ! She dating Jungkook after that accident ! " , explain to me Jiki.

" What ? How ?! " , I asked jiki

-" We didn't continues being best friends because she changed after meeting that Kim SeonJin , a rich girl from a group i don't know the name !" , continues Jiki to explain to me.

-" Oh ! That confirm her attitudes when she said to me that I am a modest or rich !" , I said .

After this conversation , I prepare for this Han Young a gift . I finishing shopping and return to BIGHITS after I suspect that Jiki that didn't follow me .

3 Monthes laters

When I enter , I saw Taehyung .

-" Taehyung Need something ? Injured ?" , I asked him.

-" No ! I heared that you are the person who made discover the real face of Kim Han Young and helped Jungkook ! Yonnji ! You are Yoonji ! I know your secret !" , he said .

-" You know my real name ! I am the cousin of Suga so what ? " , I said .

-" Don't misunderstand me ! I just want to help me to discover a girl named Kim Hisoo !" , said to me .

-" Hisoo ? No ! she can't do that ! Impossible !" , i said to him .

But he give me his phone and when i saw it , I have been shocked and saying :" Why an ARMY like her do that ? Don't worry maybe she have a reason ! I will told to her ! or investigate !" , I said to help him.

My Best Friend is A Super star [ BTS X Hater ] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang