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"Remi's really sweet, I promise. You guys'll become friends in no time."

Isen eccentrically took another sip of his mango boba beverage.

"Where is she now? I'd think she'd be back by now." I replied observantly.

"I'm not sure. A family emergency, I think. She's gone all this week." Isen replied.

But I was too caught up by a sudden pit feeling in my stomach to comprehend the rest of his conversation. A dark haired boy with unkempt hair walked in, gently smiling at me before darkening his expression towards Isen.

What? Do these two know each other?

For some unknown reason, I felt a dangerous, ominous aura radiating off his presence. It was potent, almost suffocating as he drew closer to me. My hands began to shake.

"Delta? Are you okay?"

Before I could respond, Isen's expression darkened in the direction of the boy. He caught sight of our table as they glared at each other, the ominous feeling growing stronger. The boy abruptly turned, not even ordering anything before leaving.

The tightness in my chest relaxed.

"Who...is that?" I blurted, my chest heaving from my labored breaths.

"John." Isen stated icily. "He goes to Wellston and is a complete asshole." He shrugged. "However, none of that is really relevant because he's a cripple."


My eyes widened at the incredulous label.

No way. No. Way. There's no way in hell John could be a cripple. In all my sixteen years of life , i've never sensed an aura so demented-enough to leave me shaking. A cripple could never have such a terrifying effect on me.

Whatever he is, there was some kind of....darkness and power festering inside of him. It felt like he was trying to suppress it, but I got the feeling that it felt more evident hidden.

And that kind of power was dangerous enough to be wreak havoc.




The bell rung obnoxiously as chairs scraped loudly against the linoleum floor. I hastily shoved my binder in my bag and stretched, content with today's lesson.

A cute girl with aqua hair and emerald eyes approached me.

"Hi! You're Delta, right? I'm Elaine." I shook her small, delicate hand.

"Er...hey." I was startled by her bubbly personality.

"So....what kind of powers do you have?"

Students that were currently filing out stopped in their tracks. The commotion died down, with every single pair of eyes lain on me. Isen and a cute crimson haired boy looked at me curiously, while I noticed John standing in the back with a purple haired girl, glaring daggers at Elaine.

I felt uncomfortable. Miss Rose and Irel told me to avoid bringing attention to my power. Why did it matter so much here?

"I....um....possess a certain range of psionic abilities." I uttered softly, playing with my long navy blue pony tail as whispers filled the room.

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