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I felt a hand roughly clamp over my mouth as an unknown force dragged me back behind the wall.

My teeth sunk down on the hand and successfully made the predator release me.


I turned around and saw Arlo, gripping his hand and squinting in pain.

"Arlo, oh my god! What the hell? How did you-"

Arlo hastily shushed me as he urged me to crouch.

"No time to explain. They're coming." He peeked his head over the corner.

"Sir, we lost sight of her!"

"Find her!"

"Dammit...." Arlo glared at the floor. "They'll corner us if we don't move soon."

"There's so many of them." I shook my head. "I can't beat them all at once."

"I know. That's why when they come this way, I want you to run like hell." His eyes began to radiate a dangerous, vivid blue.

"W-what...? N-no Arlo. We both know you can't beat-"

Arlo lunged out of the hiding place and placed the barrier around himself. They began charging at him, the attacks slowly cracking the surface.

"Delta!" He coughed up blood. "Run, now!"

He didn't have to tell me twice.

I stumbled over my feet as my psionic speed carried me away from Arlo, but they suddenly emerged from the other corner.

"We've got you now, kid." He smirked.

I closed my eyes.


I shot up from my comfy bed, uncontrollably shaking.

My head was pulsating painfully as my blood trickled out my nose. My clenched fists and eyes were glowing a vivid red. I slowly released them and let my power dissipate.

What a strange dream, I thought.

It felt so....real. I felt the adrenaline rush my dream-self felt. But....out of all the people, I had to dream about, why Arlo?

I felt my cheeks burn.

It couldn't have been about Blyke?

A loud ring filled the air. I squinted at my phone as my eyes scanned over Seraphina's text.

Hey. Meet me at the front. Looks like they found out afterall.

My eyes widened.

No way, I thought. Who ratted her out?

I hastily dressed into my school uniform and jogged to the front of the school, fixing the black bow on my half updo.

Seraphina stood next to her suitcase as she looked at her phone. I slowed to a stop.

"Sera, what happened?" I asked between pants as I fixed my black converse.

"Elaine ended up telling Vaughn. They interrogated me with a lie detector." She said as she slipped her phone into her pocket.

"Oh no! You're not expelled, are you?"

Seraphina shook her head.

"No, don't worry. They sent me home for a month to 'cleanse' me of the book's philosophy. Pretty pointless in my opinion, actually." She shrugged before pausing. "About John..."

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