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My eyes lit up at the score.

"Hey! I got an eighty-two! A once in a lifetime (decent) score in Lang." I boasted cheerfully.

My eyes flickered over to Blyke's paper. I felt my pride drain.


"How...?!?!" I shouted as we walked down the hall.

"Don't sweat it, Del. I can always tutor you." Blyke grinned wolfishly.

"That's my line!" I argued and playfully pushed him with my shoulder.

As we turned the corner, I saw John picking up his papers with people spitting obscenities at him disdainfully.

I watched as Remi trotted over to help.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked, helping John pick up his papers.

But there was something off about the voice. It sounded like another girl's voice. I glanced up and noticed a girl with green braids in Remi's place, helping out John.

No way....that's not Remi...!

"Let me help you." The foreign soprano rang out as the green haired girl reached out to John.

I felt a tightening in my chest again.

Oh no.


John slapped Remi's hand away. Fury crossed Blyke's face as he instinctively flicked a flash of red energy a deadly distance away from his head. John flinched.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't beat your ass right now!"

"U-um i'm s-sorry-"

Blyke's hands curled into fists as his furious eyes pierced through John. Along with the tightness is my chest, I felt a type of burning sensation strongly emulating off of Blyke.

Their auras invading me all at once is almost unbearable. I can't take it.

I stood in between them and placed my hands on Blyke's solid chest. His eyes didn't stray away from John's (surprisingly) terrified expression.

"Blyke, calm down." I clutched his hand nervously, trying to pull him away from John.

"It's fine, Blyke. Let's go." Remi said.

"John...I..." I looked at him helplessly as people congregated to watch us. He glared at my hand.

"Just leave me alone." He said, and I felt the aura of sudden sadness and anger sweep the vicinity.

We walked away.

"What a dick. The audacity...!" Blyke growled. I squeezed his hand, which I was still holding.

"He's had a rough day. Cut him some slack." I said, hooking my arm with Blyke's. "He's probably been betrayed once before. It's very likely that since he's a cripple (and most people find satisfaction in exerting power over the helpless)," I said in one breath, "It's reasonable that he'd act that way."

I was trying to come from a clairvoyant perspective. But Blyke was still glued to his one-sided opinion.

"Reasonable....?!?!" I winced as his voice came to a near screech. "He hit the Queen, Del!"

"Look Blyke, you're exempt from being bullied because you're a Royal. If you were powerless and had to constantly worry about getting beat every single day, wouldn't you act as hostile as John?"


"C'mon," My hooked arm pulled him along. "Let's go play some COD or something." I looked at Remi. "You wanna come?"

"A-ah sorry, I can't." Remi slowly backed away from us. "I gotta go...uhm...study."

She turned away from our puzzled expressions as we watched her walk away.


"Finish him!"

I watched as Kitana prepared for the fatality. My MK character lunged at Liu Kang with her bladed fans, and I gleefully grinned at Blyke as he horrifically watched his character's head get sliced off.

"Fatality." The deep bass announced, as blood sprayed the screen.

"Ha!" I shot my arms up in victory. "I win!"

"The hell....?" Blyke said, obviously exasperated by my gloating. "I can't memorize all the character combos. And plus, the only character you know how to control well is Kitana."

"Okay, you're right, but I can use all characters in moderate skill."

"i cAn uSe AlL cHAraCteRs iN mOdeRAtE sKiLl." Blyke imitated childishly, jealously. I giggled and threw a couch pillow at him.

Our attention averted to a sudden rap on Blyke's front door. He quickly opened it to reveal Isen greeting him energetically.

"Hey dude, so Arlo-" He suddenly stopped when his eyes landed on me.

"Hey, Isen..." I greeted tentatively, and felt an invasively nervous aura pulsating in the room.

"A-actually..." Isen stuttered nervously, edging closer to the door, "I-I need to go..."

Just as I suspected, his eyes radiated a vivid orange as he used ability for speed enhancement. He lunged towards the door and attempted to grab the handle.

But I was faster.

I used my psionic speed to tackle him away from the door and pin him against the wall with my strength.

"Aargh!" Isen winced as he got the wind knocked out of him.

"Isen...what are you hiding?" My glowing crimson eyes narrowed.

"I-i'm not h-hiding anything." He lied. I felt his anxious aura grow more prominent.

"Bullsh*t! You've been avoiding me ever since you took me to the infirmary from the ambush. Every class we have you intentionally go out of your way to not talk to me. You even changed your seat in Bio!" I accused. "You can't expect me to not question you if we went from hanging out everyday to you suddenly avoiding me. What are you hiding, Isen?" My grip tightened on the collar of his shirt.

Isen's lip slightly quivered. He glanced at Blyke, who stood behind me with crossed arms awaiting an answer as well. Isen's amber eyes looked somewhat pleading and scared.

Suddenly, his eyes began to radiate dangerously.


Using his enhanced strength, I lost my grip on Isen as he pushed me to the floor. I quickly regained my senses and caught his arm with an iron grip.

Isen's aura was strong and abrasive. My head snapped back as I felt myself slip into Isen's memories. :;

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