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"Then i'll be a royal."

Darren watched Delta's silky hair swished around as she slammed the door shut angrily.

He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Such an optimistically stubborn kid, Doc thought. I don't think anyone can stop here from reaching her goal. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.

Darren's eyes averted to the thick manila folder on his desk. He asked Vaughn yesterday for Delta's file to find any hint as to why she's suffering from an unusual condition. Even after analyzing her blood sample multiple times, there appeared to be nothing wrong. But then again, Wellston Hospital was his best bet since they had much more advanced equipment than him.

Darren opened the front cover of the folder. A picture of Delta was clipped to her demographic page, majority of the phrases redacted on certain areas of the paper.

Name: Delta

DOB: 05-23-20XX

Birthplace: Wellston

Known Relatives:
-[_____] (deceased) (3.5)
-[______] (deceased) (2.4)
-Rose Windsor (step-mother) (6.7)
-Irel Windsor (step-brother) (7.3)
-[________] (deceased) (7.4) (formerly 2.1)

Notes: Born to [______] and [______] , she was put for adoption at an early age at Wellston Orphanage. [_______________
_________] signs of distress and trauma [_______________] other children at the orphanage [___________________ _______] adopted by Rose Windsor to spare her from her mental suffering [_________
______] was sent to boarding school for [______] years before being sent to Wellston Private School.

"Dammit, I can't read any of this. What's the point of having her file if most of this crap is redacted?" He mumbled to himself as he flipped over to her Ability page.

Ability: Psionic Power

Level (Calculated) : 7.5 (formerly 2.3)

Status: High-tier (God-tier) (former mid-tier)

Ability Description

Mental Psionic Abilities:

Mental Shield: Individual can project a mental shield effortlessly. It can withstand basic standard attacks and high grade attacks, however it is not invincible.

Psychic Communication: Individual can utilize psychic communication within a localized area. She can regulate who can be in the telepathic link.
-Known Limitation: Her ability cannot be long range. Failure to stay within the link's range results disconnection. She can also only hold a certain amount of occupants to avoid telepathic overload.

Psychic Induction: As the individual's most popular mental ability, she can project psionic bursts of energy mentally. This can often result in extreme pain to the victim, or leave them unconscious.
(Subs) Mental scramble
            Mental breakdown
            Confusion Inducement
            Psychic Sealing

Psionic Persuasion: As a rare and not fully adapted ability, individual can temporarily compel a being's actions to her choice.
(Subs) ^^

Faculty Diminution: This is seen as the individual's most powerful abilities. She can temporarily diminish a being's powers.
  Contrary to this gift, she can also enhance abilities.

Clairvoyance: although this is a subtle part of individual's ability, she can identify things in her environment (including people) through intristic knowledge.
Sub: Danger intuition

Physical Psionic Abilities:

Psionic Shield: Individual can project a shield physically.

Psionic Bolts: This is a common and simplest form of individual's abilities. She is able to use psionic energy and shoot bolts of energy.

Psionic Healing: Although this ability's recovery score is not as effective as a normal healer, individual can heal herself and other people sufficiently.

Telekinetic Augmentations:
  Telekinetic Combat
   Telekinetic Compression
  Telekinetic Destruction
      Vibration Emission
Telekinetic Agility
Telekinetic Strength
Telekinetic Speed

Darren shook his head. It doesn't make any sense.

He's never known a god-tier—or any tier—to
exhaust so easily when they use their abilities. And with such an expendable range of sub abilities, he didn't understand why such a minor add-on could make Delta tire so easily.

His eyes followed down to the bottom of the page.

Additional Notes: [_______________

It was a rather long redacted paragraph that continued onto the next page. To Darren's confusion, the entire page was full of pitch black blocks neatly aligned horizontally on the page. What possible additional notes could there be, enough to take up an entire page?

He skimmed over her demographic page and the top of her ability page again before scrutinizing the text. It doesn't add up.

Delta was a former mid-tier before miraculously jumping up to god-tier. She has such....a repulsive attitude towards the gauging system. Darren's never seen a student file with so much redaction.

What was so important that Vaughn felt the need to hide from even the staff? :;

Author's Note (PLEASE READ): Hey guys, it's Pearl here! Hope you're all enjoying the story. I thought you guys might've been confused about what exactly her abilities were, so I thought should know the nooks and crannies of Delta's powers, because she has so many sub abilities that are yet to be revealed in the rest of the story. I've been working on ideas on how to describe her abilities in the story for awhile. I initially wrote out just a simple Author's Note to explain her abilities, but I didn't want to bore you with a lecture. So I thought it'd be more entertaining to just incorporate into the story in this bonus chapter.

Delta's "file description" was actually a rough copy of her character I typed out before making this story, so I just copy-pasted it onto this chapter and "redacted" parts that are yet to be revealed. It's been edited and modified so many times (even in this chapter, I changed and added new parts of her origin story). I also wrote out possible scenarios for future chapters that include the major plot events of  unOrdinary (for those of you who are currently caught up with the webtoon, i'm sure you know what event's i'm talking about 😏), so i'm really looking forward to writing more.

P.S. : This is just a BETA story, and depending on your feedback on this, I may re-write the entire thing. I will post the first ten chapters of this story and see if it does well. And if it does, then I will continue!

Sorry, I talk too much, but I think it's necessary that you guys know this. Anyways, the next chapter's waiting for you! :)

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