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I gasped and whirled my head around vigorously as I felt a pair of sturdy hands steady my shoulders.

"Easy, easy!" Blyke said. He cradled my face so I could focus on him. I felt a warm feeling pool in my stomach as I gazed into his warm golden eyes, which successfully eased me into a serenity. "Calm down, Del."

I looked around and noticed I was on Blyke's couch, with a blanket lain over me. I saw Isen nervously looking at me, his familiar nervous aura tainted now with worry and anxiety.

"What....what happened?" I asked weakly and touched my face. I felt a slow trickle of blood coming from my nose.

"You passed out after grabbing Isen." Blyke glanced at his friend. "You had us worried there for sec, Del. You were out for a good hour." He handed me a tissue.

I peered over to the window as I wiped my nose. The sky was painted a beautiful midnight blue, with bits of light pink and orange licking the horizon. I was out for that long?

"I thought I did something wrong. You started twitching and shaking...." Isen shivered a little.

My eyes turned to Isen and narrowed as I recalled his flashbacks. He flinched at my expression.

"Why did you do it, Isen?" I asked.

"What?" He cocked his head "innocently," which might've been cute if I weren't boiling right now.

"You knew about that ambush two weeks ago. You knew. You....you..." I shook and clenched my fists as I felt tears pool in my eyes. I felt a sudden pain in my chest. I felt so hurt. Betrayed.

I felt the tendons in my hands scream as I curled them into fists.

"I thought you were my friend. But you sold me out to Arlo and let those kids jump me. I thought I could trust you!" My voice unsteadily rose as my eyes began to glow crimson.

"Hold on, Delta." Blyke jumped in between us. Even if he could stop me, I guarantee he would be severely injured in the process.

"Delta, i'm sorry. I really am. If I didn't, Arlo would've killed me. I-"

I interrupted Isen and exploded.

"And you didn't bother to stand up to him?!"

I stepped forward past Blyke. Isen backed up against the wall as I glared at him with the utmost hatred.

"I thought you were one of the few people who were different." I shook my head and let the tears fall off my face. "Showing me around the school....going out on weekends....was that all a farce?"

He didn't answer. That said it.

"You're a coward, Isen."

I angrily wiped away the flood of tears and headed towards the door.

"Delta, wait--!"

I slammed the door shut before Blyke could finish his sentence. I momentarily stood in the hallway and hugged my shoulders to stop my unceasing shivers, but it never prevailed.

It was difficult to not think about my "friendship" with Isen. He was the first person I encountered when I first entered this school. His friendly persona and adorable heckles made us closer as friends, and in return for this, I payed him with study sessions and going out on weekends.

But to finally comprehend that this was just simply an act? I couldn't believe it. Isen knew Arlo set up those mid tiers to ambush me. Arlo made Isen become my friend to break down my place in his hierarchy. That evil son of a.....

I don't belong in any hierarchy.

I rubbed my arms as I began jogging in the open air. Despite the chilly air and my paper thin clothing, my body was warming up nicely. It felt somewhat relieving to channel my adrenaline through jogging, and, in addition, Wellston at night was relatively peaceful.

I wasn't quite sure where I was going. The dimmed silhouette of houses and complexes hinted that I was in suburban neighborhood, but there was no sliver of street lights to be found.

"Jeez, would hurt to install some ligh--ahhh!"

I felt my foot slam into a cement protrusion coming from the sidewalk. My eyes tried to adjust in the dark as my hands shot out to break the fall. Searing pain shot through the palms of my hands and my left ankle before I doubled over on the floor.

"Dammit," I whimpered, gripping my injured ankle tenderly. I raised my glowing right hand in attempt to heal myself, but I felt a sudden exhaustion overwhelm me.

Did tapping into Isen's mind really drain my aura that much? I've never felt so tired in my life.

The color on my hand dissipated as I let it fall limp. My knees and hands were burning, and I couldn't walk home in this darkness with the condition my ankle was in. Normally, my first instinct was to call Irel, but I knew it was far too late. What am I supposed to do?

I heard a door creak open, and noticed a sudden light coming from the inside of a tenement.

Thank god, I heaved a heavy mental sigh. At least someone's awake here to help me.

"H-hello...?" I squinted my eyes at the bright indoor lights. "I twisted my ankle and I-"

I froze as the person from the tenement emerged. I noticed the jet black messy hair, familiar golden eyes.....

It can't be....

John..?!?! :;

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