Chapter 11 - The break up

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Jake's P.O.V.

Riley and I haven't talked for a while.

I will admit that I do miss her.

It's just that, She would throw away our friendship? Just like that? Good thing Jamie was here.

Right now i'm at home watching AMAZING youtubers. And I just literally fell from my chair just because of laughing so hard!

The guy (Imagine any funny guy youtuber that you love) was already about to vomit while doing the baby food challenge.

Then I clicked the next featuring video of him the next challenge was the tin can challenge, Then another video the what is this challenge..I love youtube.

Then I was about to click another video when my phone rang. It was Audry. What does she need from me now?

"Hello?" I say

"Jake..can we talk?"

"Uhhh..yeah..what about?"

"Our relationship."

"Okay.." I say confused

"Let's break up."


"Why?" I ask in a bored tone

"Cause I dont feel like this relationship is working out."

"Really?" I ask surprised

"" she asks

"Yeah..I also think this relationship

isn't working.." I say


Then the call ended.

Okay..I'm SINGLE AGAIN!!!!!! I am so happy right now!

Lol I'm so mean..I just wanted Audry to realize that she dosen't like me anymore!

I regret me dating. anyone who says being single is's not.

I grab my phone and dial my best friend's number.

"Hello!" I say happily

"Jake.." she says

"Guess why I'm so happy right now!" I say

" and Riley are besties again?!" she asks exitedly

"No." I say in a grumpy voice. my smile is now a scowl

" are you happy?"

"It's fine and..uhh..AUDRY BROKE UP WITH ME!" I say screaming the break up part

"Really?" she asks "why?"

"she said the relationship isn't working out and broke up with me. of course I agreed." I explain


" you know what happened to Riley? she's been really sad latey and did you know that she's been going to the clinic asking for bandages and ice packs.." she says

Sad? Clinic? Bandages? Ice packs?

"Call her and ask if she's okay." I say

"I did but she said she's fine and to not worry but she sounded like she just cried."

she's crying?

"Ok...I'll call" I say.

I'm gonna talk to her.

"Really?! go to her house. see if she's okay! bye Jaaakkee!" Jamie ended the phone call.


I got my board and went outside.

locked the front door and went to Riley's house.

once I'm infront of the house I feel my heart beat getting faster and faster.

My knuckles didn't even reach the door when It opens a bit and I hear a scream from inside.

I didnt hesitate to run inside and in the living room I see Roxy pulling Riley's hair and Lucas laughing beside. Riley is crying. or I think that is her.

I couldn't even recognize her. she looked pale and she looked thin. not good thin the one where someone looks malnourished. and she had cuts everywhere and bruises.

if she didnt wear a tank top I wouldnt have seen the bruises and cuts

"Please..I'm so..tired..of you..guys" she says crying and I think she's having a hard time to breath..

wait..everyday? they come here everyday to beat her up..

I feel so useless! and instead of helping her I ignored her! I am an ass.

"You know that we wont stop right sweetie.." Roxy says

Roxy was with Lucas all along?!

I go there so they can see me.

"J-Jake?" Riley says.

"Why didnt you tell m-" I got cut of by a fist punching my face.

"Jake!" Riley screams.

I punch back he punches back it probably became a cycle.

I stopped when he was already on the ground bloody but still alive.

Roxy went to him and checked if he's alright.

I went to Riley..she's tied to a chair and her eyes sre red from all the crying

"Riley..I'm sorry.." I start..

"No..I'm sorry..whatever I did I am so sorry..but..tell me..what did I do that made you ignore me?"

"You texted me last week that you liked me and that I have to date you or else you'll ignore me."

her face is full of confusion..

"Look..I do not know what you are talking about but I lost my phone last week!"

"what?! so..who sent..ahh..Probably Audry.."


We both laugh

"Look..I'd never do that..waste years of our freindship for a fucking relatinship!" she says laughing

"that's what I said!"

"Your my best friend! I would do anything for you!"


We laughed some more but then we hear Lucas screaming..




I love you guys

I am scared cause the next chapter is the last chapter..then epilogue

is that how you spell epilogue?




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Lol! the only contest I put is cast. lol

Author: NeveAdams ' s the bucket list! is that how her user is spelled?

sorry if it's wrong spelling!

okie dokie! buhbhye says KupKakey






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