Chapter 3 - Apology?!

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Riley's P.O.V.

"Riley,Please..Please..Forgive me! I never meant to tell anyone  about you..your sister..Please!" Audry cried

A crowd was watching us already..I can hear their whispers..

"Aww..I feel bad for Audry..She's not the one that's supposed to say sorry"

"Yeah..I mean..Riley was the one kissing Jake.."

People who like Audry said that..People who like me said..

"That b**** is making people hate Riley! Ughh!"

"Audry's making a scene! Just shut up Audry!!"

I just stook there..mentally...phisically..shocked..I feel like i'm glued to the floor.

"Audry.." I start her head quickly looks at me "Audry..look..I'm sorry..."

"REALLY?! WERE FRIENDS AGAIN??" Audry asks exitedly..

I nod.."In one condition..." Even if this hurts me..I love jake..I'd do anything to make him happy!


"Get back together with Jake..Hurt him..I HURT you! get it?" I say seriously..I feel like i've been Stabbed in the heart..

"I would if..Jake wants to.."

"Actually I dont-" I cut what Jake was about to say cause it will hurt me more..

"Of course he would love to!" I say faking my voice to be happy..Jake..I love you too much..

Jake's P.O.V.

"You should be saying sorry to Riley not me!" I say

Audry faces Riles..

I am shocked..

"Riley, I am sorry.."

Wow. She loves me that much?

"Riley,Please..Please..Forgive me! I never meant to tell anyone  about you..your sister..Please!" Audry begged

"Audry.." Riley starts...Audry quickly faces Riles "Audry..look..I'm sorry..."

What?! Why should she be Sorry?!

"REALLY?! WERE FRIENDS AGAIN??" Audry asks exitedly..

She nods.."In one condition..." Riley says

"ANYTHING!" Audry shouts

"Get back together with Jake..Hurt him..I HURT you! get it?" She say seriously..

"I would if..Jake wants to.." Audry looks at me..

"Actually I dont-" Riley cuts me...


"Of course he would love to!" she says

I mentally face palmed myself..

Audry came near me and kissed me..

Riley's a much better kisser...

What?! Don't think like that!




"Students! back to your classrooms! PDA IN THE HALLWAY! GET TO YOUR CLASSROOMS!" Our principal shouts..

I walk to my class..Audry following.

I reach the classroom..Oh I mean we..I thought I was with a Dog..

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