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     "It has been days Advisor. They aren't coming for you." Adelina looked dully at the ground near where she sat on her knees. Her hands bound together to seal away her Imprisonment magic.

     "Why are you doing this Helbram? We were friends. You, me, Harle-"
      "Harlequin?! Don't make me laugh. He is a poor excuse for a king." Adelina gasped as her head jerked to the side from a slap, delivered by Jericho on Helbram's command.

      "And you were no better." She growled as he floated forward getting into her face. He was now in his fairy form which made it that more unsettling for the ginger prisoner.

       "Watch her Jericho. Grandmaster Hendrickson just sent the mage to gather the last key." He said shifting back into his human form and leaving. Jericho sat on the ground away from Adelina. As silence fell around them, the advisor took a moment to think over everything.

       "You go inside now Princess. Lady Diane is sleeping right outside and Hawk is with you as well. I am going to go stretch my wings." She had spoken with a smile after they got back in from town following their encounter with Alan.

        Elizabeth smiled warmly back at the fairy and nodded, walking inside with a spring in her step. Adelina chuckled and walked into the forest, gently rising and fluttering her wings.

        Every once in a while she would fall back down to her feet, wincing from the stiffness in her wings before taking off once more. Soon she was soaring through the trees laughing with glee. She paused as she noticed Jericho hiding behind a tree, watching a group of people in armor.

       She then noticed the Male sins a bit further in the distance, walking back towards the tavern. She darted over, touching the ground. She waved jogging over and laughed with glee as Ban scooped her up in his arms. "Hey there Adeli~! How was shopping!"

      "Oh it was a lot of fun I suppose!" She said as she was set down and King floated beside her, blocking Ban's view of her. "We met a strange boy named Alan, he had green hair and- oh Hello, pardon my poor manners. Who are you?" She asked noticing the pink haired boy with them.

      Suddenly his hair turned shorted and green and she gasped backing up as he shifted back. "I am Gowther, seven deadly sins Goat Sin of Lust. We have met before." He spoke in his even toned voice. She bowed slightly.

      "Pleasure to see you again Sir Gowther. I am Adelina, Advisor to the Fairy Realm." They continued walking when she noticed the same people in armor off in the distance from earlier. She hadn't noticed that she was beginning to fall behind due to her curiousness.

       "Adeli! Hurry up!" She heard Ban call as she locked eyes with a man with long black hair, a mask over his face. "Who are-" Suddenly there were electric type bands around her body and the man rushed forward grabbing her.

      "WHAT ARE YOU DOING LET HER GO!" She heard Meliodas shout as Ban and King begin shouting and darting over but the man and his crew were already darting off. The woman stopping for just a second.

       "Our employer required we obtain the fairy if we saw her. Normally we wouldn't do this kind of thing. We like to kill our targets." She dodged a barrage of attacks from an angry fairy king. Tears pouring down his red cheeks, yelling for her to return Adelina.

A Hunt for the King ~Nanatsu No Taizai~ Where stories live. Discover now