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looking so crazy in love


"donghyuck, my friend!"

the younger man that just stepped into the cruise was greeted with the voice of doyoung calling him from afar, the others eyes on him now.

donghyuck gulped as all the company workers looking at him intently, the workers from zhong's smiling, welcoming his presence. his hands were sweating, body began to shake slightly as his eyes scanned the place that was packed with people here and there. something inside him began to regretted coming here, but he's already here and he can't just run away or something.

"let's go?"

he heard mark whispered from behind, a hand encouragingly holding him on his back. heaving a breath, donghyuck nodded nervously.

mark led their way to the front, the older shaking hands and greeting the head company of the other group, exchanging a few words with chenle, the young ceo of the zhong's company. while at that, donghyuck was just standing beside him, smiling here and there while keeping his distance from others and made sure mark was close enough to reach.

just because he agreed on going to this party doesn't mean he's going to interact with them, the only reason was for him to show his face and accompany mark.

"it's been a long time since i saw you,"

donghyuck averted his gaze to the slightly shorter man that was grinning at him, jeno by his side. donghyuck rolled his eyes, not even hiding his growing annoyance at the other. "oh, come on renjun. you can't miss me that much, do you?" donghyuck teased, his eyes flickered at jeno that was laughing at renjun's bitter face.

"our injunnie was actually searching for you." jeno said, still chuckling as renjun shoved him a bit. "i totally expected that." donghyuck remarked, joining jeno at laughing at the other. "shut the fuck up lee." renjun glared, before excusing himself.

"i hope you're feeling well now."

donghyuck heard jeno said, smiling at him as he leaned against the rail.  donghyuck glanced for mark for a while, the older nodding reassuringly before walking away, leaving donghyuck and jeno alone to talk. grabbing the glass from the waiter, donghyuck joined jeno by the rail, sipping to the bittersweet taste of grape wine.

looking up, donghyuck sighed. "i don't know what to feel."

he didn't know he would be having this kind of conversation with jeno, when before he was the one that despise the other so much.

but then, here they are, looking at the starry sky with the moon hanging brightly as the source of light of the dark. the breeze hitting their faces softly, just enough to sent them a serene feeling of the night. chattering of people as the background, the ship sailing freely through the vast sea.

"mark told me about you, everything that happened to you." donghyuck continued, letting his gaze fell to the handsome man standing next to him.

jeno's eyes were focused to the front, his face bare from any expression but still managed to look so amazingly attractive.

"i'm sorry for it."

a small smile appeared at jeno's lips.

"i don't deserve it, you don't deserve it too." jeno spoke, now facing donghyuck as his eyes looked pitifully at the younger.

"neither of us deserve any of this."

donghyuck nodded, his throat constricted as he felt a lump stuck on it. his eyes began to felt a bit teary but he quickly pushed it away.

jeno felt him. jeno knew what he was going through. jeno understand where he was standing on by now and that, that just made donghyuck felt so emotional. he wasn't alone in this, there's another person out there that was going through the same thing as him, worser even. jeno was alone at this, and that made him so amazing. how jeno went through something like this by his own, donghyuck didn't know but he respect and admire jeno for it.

donghyuck could never imagine himself to do this alone, but jeno survived.

"don't feel too horrible about it, just look forward and focus on what you have right now. you have mark to take care of you, don't mess up."

jeno then said, now staring at the older man that was conversing with other people on the ship, his face glowing with pride and joy at another successful project of both company.

"i haven't been with him a lot but he's a great person, i can see that. he would do everything for you, sacrifice anything for you and would live his whole life with you. it'll be a waste if you decide to not appreciate him properly." donghyuck looked at jeno that was silently admiring mark with his eyes, a smile never leaving his face.

it made donghyuck consider somehow, would everything be better if mark was to end up with jeno?

jeno looked so in love with mark, so ready to give him everything, he's literally radiating with happiness when the older was around.

but where would donghyuck be if they were together?

would donghyuck even accept the fact that they're together, or will he just ignore them, or just him being the usual like before and try to steal mark from jeno?

donghyuck was so lost he don't even know who he really is now, does mark really does deserve a person who don't even know where his place is now?

"you can do this, i know both of you can get through this."

donghyuck only returned back the stare of jeno, studying the meaning that laid behind his eyes.

letting go.

jeno was letting go, he was moving on.

jeno is happy with himself, with someone else that can promise him happiness.

now jeno was trying to make donghyuck realize the beautiful part of love, the feeling of being loved, the importance of loving someone.

jeno wanted donghyuck to know how it felt to be loved by mark, how it felt to be appreciated by such man.


one more chapter before the end : (

- tantan

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