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your touch got me looking so crazy right now

mark sighed tiredly under his breath.

this meeting was not worth of his time, really. he did not just spent his energy to fly from korea to france just to be in this sort of meeting, he even need to deal with his jet lag and abandoned his free time to quickly get into this place as he didn't want to be late.

he glanced to donghyuck that was sitting behind him, the younger looking the same as him, bored and tired. it's not like he even understand what the people saying right now unless for the simple phrases but nodded nonethelessly.

"so our main point is to expand this to the outside, letting the world to be aware of what we're going to do-"

donghyuck huffed.

"what the fuck are they talking about.." he muttered lowly, not wanting his voice to be heard. unfortunately, the older beside him turned to him slightly.

he felt movements under the table, fingers creeping to his right thigh. he tried to hide the shudder as mark's cold hand entwined with his.

donghyuck coughed softly, glaring at the man next to him who just focused on the one talking in front as if he wasn't rubbing circles on his palm by now. donghyuck let himself concentrated to whatever the man that was talking again, trying to ignore the beat of his heart speeding.

mark had told him about jeno's confession and though donghyuck was kinda mad at the fact that he was true about jeno having feeling for mark, he tried to stop himself from being control by any ugly emotion. donghyuck promised to himself to change, to not repeat the same mistakes and to take care of mark's heart carefully.

at the whole meeting, donghyuck was kept on edge at mark's little actions, never letting people notice too much.

donghyuck almost yelled as the meeting finally ended.

mark was the first one to came out as he pulled away his hand, walking away with other people to talk about things donghyuck won't understand anyway.

as donghyuck was managing his things and shoving it inside his bag, he flinched at the hand placed on his shoulder.

"what the-" he turned around to meet eyes with a man, hair blonde and tall, towering over him with a smile.

"hey there!" the stranger greeted and donghyuck was seconds away from panicking. he just hoped this man wasn't for any further conversation or else donghyuck would really embarrassed himself there. "oh, hi!" donghyuck tried to answer with the same enthusiasm.

"you must be from korea, haechan? is that right? mark's friend," the man put out his hand for a handshake and donghyuck accepted it, though slightly confused at his statement.

did this guy perhaps know mark? cause as far as donghyuck knew, he never saw him anywhere mark from most of the meeting he went with the older. donghyuck usually remember the people he came across but he's pretty sure this stranger was not one of them.

"i'm miguel, from here." donghyuck just nodded at that and smiled awkwardly. the way he clutched to his bag was really tight, he just wanted to get away from this man.

it didn't felt right, it's as if there's a bad aura surrounding him and donghyuck didn't want to be around him.

"uh, miguel, yeah.. i need to go, like right now?" donghyuck facepalm mentally, hoping he doesn't sound so weird with his broken english. he really regret not listening to mark properly before when he wanted to teach him some words. at least that way, he can save himself from being embarassing.

"oh of course! i just wanna say that there's a party tonight and all of us were invited. you'll be there right, together with mark?" miguel asked, his hand going to donghyuck's waist which he uncomfortably tried to get away from.

there's something from the way the man say mark's name, it sounded, cold, somehow. another thing was his hands that kept touching donghyuck everywhere freely.

actually donghyuck wouldn't mind if people were to touch him, he would even say it's like the culture in there if he didn't know better, he's used to it. but now this miguel guy brought an uneasy and unsettling feeling inside donghyuck's heart and he don't think he can stand to breath the same air with him for another second.

"yeah.. um, i will be going now." donghyuck said, pulling at miguel's arms around his waist and quickly walked out. he searched for mark everywhere, panting as he walked too fast.


"oh my god," he quickly latched himself to mark, hugging the older tightly. mark can sensed something was wrong so he just let donghyuck catch his breath for a while, occasional pats on his back. he's thankful that most people already left and it's only them at the corridor by now. as proud as he is to show donghyuck, he still had an image to take care of, one that he don't care much about but still.

after some minutes, mark finally made donghyuck to face him properly. "are you okay? is there something wrong?" mark studied the younger's face but donghyuck just shook his head, which mark just confusingly furrowed his eyebrow at.

"i just, want to go back now."

still not understanding why donghyuck was acting like that, mark just complied to his favor and brought donghyuck out from the place to their hotel.

mark thought he would be getting some rest in france, maybe going out to enjoy the view and spend his days with donghyuck. anything, he just want to let his mind rest for a while.

"there's a party tonight and we're invited so.. we need to go, i guess?" mark's words felt more like a question as he felt donghyuck tensed for a while. the younger then nodded. he really need to ask donghyuck what happened.

mark will make sure donghyuck would be the happiest for these few days.


lmao i suddenly really want a fandom name but i sucks at making names oops

but donghyuck must be so sad to not get to perform with exo tonight : (

i just hope he sleep well and had a recovery

- tantan

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