Bishops Knife Trick

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Zack kissed me softly once more. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm going to miss you,"I said. "I'm going to miss you, too,"he said and pecked my lips again. "Zack, c'mon dude, we're gonna miss the flight,"Rian yelled. Being around them, it was clear that Rian was the mom of the group.

I hugged him one last time and then he was gone from my arms. "I'll text and call and Skype,"he yelled over his shoulder before the plane swallowed him whole. He stayed with us last night. We both stayed up the rest of the time we had together. He had to be up at 3 to be at the airport at 4 and now his plane was about to leave.

I didn't know when I would see him again and that hurt. I was happy for them. Their band was doing so well but it also hurt because I loved him. It may not have been long but that I was sure of. At least we had New Year's Eve together. I sighed. "You doing okay, kiddo?"Dad asked. I shrugged and crutched over to the huge windows where I watched their plane take off.

Dad put a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump. "Want Starbucks?"he asked. "Sure,"I said when what I really wanted at that moment was on a plane millions of miles away from me. I followed him out to the car and, moments later, he pulled up to a Starbucks. We went in and I got a Sweet Tea. He grabbed a coffee which he also probably wasn't supposed to have. He got us some cookies and told me to find a seat. He carried it over to the table since I couldn't. I still had this dumb cast. It comes off next week then I start Physical Therapy.

"How ya holding up?"he asked as he handed me a cookie. "Okay, I guess,"I said. "I bet I have some news to make you smile,"he said with a teasing smile. "Go for it,"I sighed sadly and took a small sip from my drink. "I guess you don't wanna know then. Maybe I'll just tell Pete,"he joked and pulled out his phone. I looked up. "He wouldn't really. He's messing with you,"I thought. "Oh, really? Wanna try me?"he asked. I looked confused at him. "You said that out loud,"he answered. "Dammit!"I muttered under my breath. "Language!"he yelled and received glared and shushes from people around us.

He flipped his phone around toward me. The message was unsent to Pete's contact.

Brendon Urie: We're going on tour!

I took a moment to digest that and a smile spread across my face. "Really? We're touring again?"I asked excitedly now. "Yup. Some shows before I release the rest of the album,"he said. "I love you!"I yelled as I carefully jumped to hug him. It was more of an awkward hop. The same people glared and shushed me.

"When do we leave?"I asked. "Two weeks,"he said. "Oh, and Ryleigh, I've signed you up for online schooling. You've missed too much as is,"he said and I groaned but the excitement was still there. "What about physical therapy?"I asked. "They're going to give you exercises for you and us to do,"he replied. I nodded. "Ready?"he asked. I shrugged and he carried my cup to the car. I fell asleep with my head rested against the window.


The rest of the week had passed quickly. I spent a lot of time in my bed or on the couch watching TV with mom and occasionally Dad. He was doing a lot of writing and stuff. I was getting my cast off today. That's why I was up so early.

I met them downstairs. Both Mom and Dad were drinking some coffee. "You're up early,"Mom said. I nodded and helped myself to the S'mores PopTarts that were on the counter. Mom left to get changed. She was taking me to my appointment. Dallon was coming by to help Dad with some writing. She brandished her keys and, after making sure I had my phone, we went to the car. She had the radio turned up. We jammed to whatever came on from Green Day to Fall Out Boy.

I was called almost immediately. I was so glad it looked better. It was no longer bruised and gross. There was a long, nasty, and angry scar down my leg from my thigh to my mid calf. It felt super stiff. They assured me this was normal. I also had this huge boot from my foot to my thigh that bent at the knee to help me get used to walking again.

Mom stopped to get me a chocolate shake on the way home. It was wonderful. Dallon was there when I got home. "Dallon!"I cheered and awkwardly hobbled to hug him. I was getting used to this walking thing. He hugged me back. "No more cast?"he asked. "Nope!"I chirped happily. "That's awesome!"he said. I nodded and went upstairs.


That week went by quickly as well. I went to a few physical therapy appointments where I learned exercises to help me with walking again. I'd come back for a checkup during the break. Now, I was frantically limping around my room trying to pack. I had accidentally left a shoe laying next to my bed. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground. A loud thump was heard undoubtedly through the rest of the house.

"Ryleigh? Are you okay?"mom yelled up to me. "Ymmf,"my voice came out. I heard footsteps coming towards my room. "Did you fall?"Dad asked as he started cracking up. "No, the floor decided to attack me and I hugged it,"I said as I sat up. "Well then. Finish packing, kiddo. We leave at 4 tomorrow morning,"he said.

Life With The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now