Chapter 16: Sleepovers Prove To Be Spectacularly Fun

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Chapter 16: Sleepovers Prove To Be Spectacularly Fun

"Lar, lar, lar, lar, lar," Noah continued to repeat. "Lar, lar, lar, lar, lar."

"Noah, would you shut the hell up," Tristan said, very annoyed and ready to explode. He was already leaning over toward Noah's seat, ready to pounce at his relaxed figure which was laid back with his arms bent behind his head and his feet propped up on the table.

It was apparently sleepover night and completely mandatory for Noah and I to attend. I bet Tristan was already regretting even thinking of a sleepover. "Just leave him alone, T." I sighed and rubbed my forehead from the headache that was forming. "He's not going to stop until he wants to stop."

Tristan groaned. "This is torture."

The doorbell rang, and both Tristan and I took the opportunity to hightail it out of the living room to answer the door, where an awaiting Alex stood, holding many bags. He threw some into our arms when we opened the door and looked at us weirdly. "I think that's the fastest that any of you have opened the door." He looked at the two of us again and saw the relief that was still on our faces. Then he realized. "Oh, what has Noah done now?"

"He won't shut up. He just won't shut up," Tristan said with an exasperated tone. "I can't take it anymore."

"Why won't he shut up?" Alex asked.

Tristan and I looked at each other, and I narrowed my eyes at him accusingly. He threw his arms up with a look of innocence plastered on his face. I crossed my arms and held the accusing stare. Tristan groaned for the umpteenth time while throwing his head back in annoyance.

Earlier when we got to the Matthews house right after our date at the Town Square, Tristan met us at the door and bombarded us with a million questions regarding anything and everything that had or might have happened. I answered the first question and left the rest to Noah. Noah did answer a few, but Tristan kept firing away until Noah blew up, sat on the love seat, and continuously said the word "lar" for the past half hour.

So, in the end Tristan had started it, and it was his fault.

"It's Tristan's fault. He wouldn't shut up about our date," I said accusingly. Tristan glared at me. "Well it's the truth! If you hadn't bothered him, we wouldn't be going through this torture."

"You know what they say—curiosity killed the cat,” Alex told us, watching the whole exchange.

Tristan was quick to add in, "Generosity brought it back." His eyebrows furrowed for a second, then he let out another sigh. "But the generosity hasn't been good to me at all."

Alex put the rest of the bags down inside the kitchen and unloaded our food onto the counter. "Guys, I'm sure it's not that bad. He's even quiet right now. Maybe he just doesn't appreciate your presence." That earned Alex a glare from both of us, and Tristan and I watched through the adjoining part of the kitchen as he went to talk to Noah.

"Hey," Alex said. "How was the date?"

You could hear a pin drop from how silent everything went. It seemed as if the soft hum of the refrigerator and the noises coming from outside hushed for this moment only. I felt like everything, and I mean everything, was stuck in a state of disbelief. Honestly, did Alex not hear anything we had just told him a couple minutes before?

Tristan turned to grab me and held me in his arms. I squeezed back in mutual understanding. "I give up on him," he said. "This child is absolutely unbelievable."

But I think we were even more in disbelief when Noah said, "It was great—actually, it was amazing. Everything was perfect."

The shock went away quickly, and I inwardly squealed, detaching myself from Tristan and doing a happy dance at the spot. "Did you hear that?" I whispered to him. "He said it was perfect and amazing. Oh my gosh."

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