Love Connection

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Time skip and Lucy's POV
Monday morning I wake up to my alarm cuddled up with Natsu. I absolutely love waking up like this, warm and cozy in his arms and he's holding me close. It's hard to believe the schools bad boy is so loving, caring and affectionate. I lift my head up and look at him and smile. He's absolutely adorable when he's asleep, just so peaceful and relaxed. I kiss him on the cheek to wake him up. I watch his eyes open and he smiles.

"Good morning." I smile

"Good morning. Sleep well?" He asks with a smile

"I always sleep well with you. Your so warm and cozy and I feel so safe and protected." I tell him and he smiles more.

"Don't forget loved. I love you to much to let you go or let anything happen to you." He says softly and kisses me gently on the lips.

"Come on. Let's get ready for school." I tell him and he nods.

He takes his clothes from his bag and goes to the bathroom to get dressed while I get dressed. He brought a bag over here so when he stays he still has clothes to change into. He still goes home but he practically lives here now. His parents don't mind because they know where we live. We met them one day and everyone liked each other. We don't see them much because of the company they run but they just had to come by and do a quick introduction since it's obvious Natsu loves me to death.

"All ready. Let's go." I say happily and grab my helmet and backpack, Natsu smiles and grabs his and we walk out of the house.

We get on his bike and head to school. I love being able to hold Natsu like this whenever we go somewhere. I was scared at first but now I'm relaxed, it makes me feel closer to him and amazingly comfortable.

"You can let go now Luce. Though it's obvious you don't want to." Natsu says with amusement

"Huh? We're here already?" I ask as I snap out of my daze.

"We've been here for a minute now." He chuckles.

"Oh. Sorry. I was zoned out." I reply shyly and get off the bike

"Zoned out while holding me. I wouldn't mind if we weren't in public and at school on top of that." He says while taking off his helmet to reveal the big smile on his face. "Come on before we're late for class." He says and grabs my hand.

We get to class and take our seats with Natsu pushing his chair against mine and resting his arm behind me. We sat there hugged up together as usual. No one cares and no one says anything anymore. The teacher doesn't mind because it hasn't affected our grades at all.

Time skip
Its lunchtime finally and we are sitting in the cafeteria talking to Gray and Jellal. We are just chatting up a storm when a girl randomly rushes up and hugs Gray tightly.

"Whoa! Hey!" He shouts then looks at who's hugging him and blushes. "Hey....whats your name?" He says softly.

"Juvia. Sorry if I scared you. I just feel drawn to you. What's your name?" She says with embarrassment and a blush

"Gray. It's ok. It's a welcome surprise." He smiles and wraps his arms around her making her sigh contently.

"Well then. That's one way to make a introduction." I giggle and Natsu chuckles

We notice Jellal staring off and blushing a bit. We look and see him staring at a tall woman with red hair. She looks beautiful but also intimidating. Jellal looks like he's in a trance as well. I look at Natsu and smile. I get up and go over there and talk to her.

"Hello." I great politely

"Hi. What can I do for you?" She replies in a serious tone.

"Just wanted to say hi since I never seen you before. What's your name?"

The Bad Boy and Me✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now