A hidden gem

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Lucy's POV
I wake up the next day to knocking again. I groan and tell them to come in and again it's Natsu.

"Ugh. Natsu you early bird, go fly away." I try to be serious but end up giggling.

"Didn't you know I'm a homing pigeon? I'm flying home, to you." He says smoothly but with a smile

"Your to much Natsu." I giggle

"Yeah but you know you love it." He says with a chuckle

"I never said I didn't." I smile and scoot over and pat the spot beside me.

"Wouldn't we get in trouble?" He asks and looks at me sadly

"Not if your on top of the covers. Come on, I want to cuddle for a bit."

"Alright..." He sighs and lays down and I lay my head on his chest and smile. I nuzzle into him and end up falling back asleep. I woke up to Natsu saying my name.

"Lucy wake up. Come on, let's go." Natsu says and sits up taking me with him.

"Ugh. But I was cozy!" I groan and stretch.

"I know. But we should get ready and go. I'm excited to see what you can do." He says with a smile.

"Alright fine, out so I can get dressed. Hey grab us something to eat on the way ok?" I tell him while he walks out of my room.

"Like what?"

"I don't know look and see. I'll be there soon."

"Alright." He sighs and leaves.

I get ready quickly and head out to see Natsu with two breakfast burritos and two bottles of water.

"Perfect! Let's go!" I shout and head to the door. "I'll grab mine after I lock the door." I tell him as he follows me.

I close and lock the door and take my burrito and water. The dojo isn't far so we walk there and enjoy each other's company. I really love being with Natsu, it's the best decision I ever made.

Soon the dojo was in sight and we both started smiling. I walk up to it and open the doors, I'm greeted by shocked faces as I enter.

"Lucy! Good to see you again!" The secretary says. She's the one that enrolls everyone and answers the phones.

"Hey! It's good to be back! I was wondering if there's someone here I can spar with because this knuckle head here doesn't believe me that I can kick butt!" I shout with a smile and bump Natsu making him laugh

"Why don't you spar with him?" She asks

"No! No no no no no! I've seen him fight! I'd rather not get destroyed by him!"

"It'll be a good test of your defensive skills though taking on a bigger and stronger opponent."

"She's right you know." Natsu smiles

"Alright but first I'd still like to spar with someone on my level then if you still want to spar we can. Ok?" I tell him and he nods his head yes

"Ok. You made it to black belt so you can face the master if you want. He's here and I'm sure he'd want to see if you still got it." She giggles.

"Uh. Ok. There's no one else?"

"No. There's no classes today."

"Ok." I sigh "let's do this."

"Alright. I'll go get him." She says as she gets up. I look at Natsu and he's just smiling.

The Bad Boy and Me✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now