School Days

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Lucy's POV
It's our first day back at school after winter break. Natsu got himself a new bike but since it's cold still we agreed to just ride in the car to stay warm. I hear my alarm go off and groan. I don't want to leave Natsu or my bed.

"You know you have to get up for school though I know you don't want to." Natsu chuckles.

"Damn right I don't. I never want to leave your arms." I groan and hug him tighter.

He just chuckles and holds me closer. He holds me for a bit before he tells me to get up again and I shake my head no which makes him laugh. He sits up with me in his arms and I groan loudly.

"I hate it when you do that." I growl and he laughs.

"Sorry sweetheart but you need to go to school." He laughs and I groan again.

"Fine. I'll get up and get dressed." I grumble and get out of bed.

I grab my clothes and we get dressed and get ready for the day. Considering all we've done together we have no issue getting ready in the same room because we've done it countless times the last few weeks. Once we are ready Natsu goes to his house and gets his car and comes to pick me up. I open the front door to it being freezing. I start shaking and when I see the car I rush it. I get in and feel the heater on and sigh happily.

"I knew you'd be cold." He laughs

"Duh! It's freezing!" I shout and he laughs at me more.

He drives us to school and gets out and rushes to my side and opens my door. I get out and he wraps his arm across my shoulders and locks the car with the remote while we head in to class. I couldn't get to class fast enough. I get into class and sigh happily at the feeling of the heater being on. Natsu laughs at me but I don't care. I'm freezing this time of year but he's a heater.

"I doubt I need to tell you this Natsu but....don't let me go until at least summer. It's freezing and you're so warm!" I tell him and nuzzle into him even though we are in class.

He just wraps his arms around me and says "I'll never ever let go of you ever again."

I just smile and hug him tightly and sigh happily.

"Ok snuggle time is over! Time to start class!" The teacher says with amusement and looks at us.

I groan and sit down next to Natsu who gladly keeps his arm around me and holds me close. The teacher just smiles and shakes her head and starts teaching.

Time skip
The end of the day! I can go home and cuddle with Natsu. I spent lunch literally up under him and in his arms. Both of us were happy and content and didn't give a damn what others thought.

"I'm so happy to go home! We are going home and burying ourselves under my blankets and not budging until tomorrow!" I shout when we get in the car.

"We need to get up and eat and use the bathroom." Natsu laughs and I laugh with him

"Ok but those are the only exceptions!" I shout and point at him and he busts up laughing.

"Whatever you say." He laughs and starts the car.

On the radio a song comes on I never heard before. I listen to it intently and can't help but smile and Natsu can't help but smile either.

The Bad Boy and Me✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now