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Natsu's POV
Me and Lucy had a amazing time at the resort, we had fun and made love like we were on our honeymoon. I loved the experience so much and I never wanted it to end. We came back Sunday night and dropped her off at her house so she can be ready for school tomorrow. I'm debating on coming over once I'm ready or just giving her space for the night. I really love sleeping with her.

I'll go to her house again. I just don't want to stay away from her. I pack myself a bag with fresh clothes and grab my backpack. I walk to her house and enter with the key I got from her dad. I close the door back and lock it and head to her room. She's knocked out and cuddling her dragon. I can't help but smile at her, she looks so happy. I'm already in my pajamas so I just slip my shoes off and climb into bed with her.

"Natsu?" She asks sleepily as I put my arm around her.

"Yeah it's me. Go back to sleep." I tell her softly and kiss her cheek

"Ok." She yawns and snuggles into me.

I listen to her breathing as she falls back asleep. I smile and fall asleep myself.

Time skip
The next morning I wake up to her slapping her alarm clock and cuddling into me. I can't help but chuckle at what she did. She'd rather cuddle with me than get up for school.

"Come on baby. Time to go to school." I tell her softly but with amusement in my voice.

"No. Cuddles." She whines sleepily.

"School is more important than cuddles."

"No it's not. You lie." She whines and cuddles into my chest more.

"I don't lie. You need to go to school. Come on. Up." I tell her and sit up with her attached to me still.

"I hate it when you do that." She grumbles and try's to push me back down.

"Sorry baby. Come on. School."

"Ggggrrrrrrrrrr. Fine!" She growls and gets out of bed.

"Someone's cranky this morning." I tease and chuckle at her.


I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. She's so cute when she's mad. I grab my clothes and go get dressed while she gets dressed in her room. She emerges from her room looking better but still annoyed. She looks at me and pouts and I can help but smile at her. This makes her pout more so I just grab her and kiss her. She kisses me back and wraps her arms around my neck. I pull away and she pouts again so I kiss her again but quickly and softly.

"Stop pouting." I laugh and she pouts more. "You're so cute." I chuckle and walk away. "Come on. School." I tell her and grab her helmet and hand it to her. "I'll go get my bike. Wait here." I tell her and rush home.

I get home and head to my bike. On it is a note.

Break up with Lucy by the end of the day or she dies.

Tell no one.

I'll be watching.

I look at the note in shock. This is a joke. A prank. Right? Why would I do that? I can't. I wouldn't.

I take the note and shove it in my pocket. I get on my bike and ride it to Lucy's house. She's outside with her helmet on waiting for me. She sees me and automatically hops on and we head to school. I touch her hands and she hugs me tightly. I can't breakup with her. But what if the threat is real? I can't risk her life just because I want to keep her by my side.

We get to school and she gets off the bike. She stands there and removes her helmet, she looks at me and smiles. I remove my helmet and smile back but the thought of that note is racing through my mind. I grab her hand and we walk to class.

The Bad Boy and Me✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now