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Natsu's POV
I decide to investigate around Lucy's house after she said she felt uneasy and went inside. I looked around but didn't see anything and didn't hear anything. After I was confident everything was ok I went home. I do feel like something is up though. But what?

Time skip and Lucy's POV
I want this uneasy feeling to go away! I think to myself as I'm ready to walk out of the door for school. I just feel so uncomfortable and it's bugging me!

"Good morning Lucy." Natsu says as he walks up to me. "Still feeling uneasy?" He asks and I nod my head yes. "Don't worry. I'm sure everything is ok." He says soothingly and hugs me tightly. He pulls away and kisses me softly and smiles. "Come on. Let's go." He says and grabs my hand as we start to walk.

"I just feel like we are either being watched or like something bad is going to happen." I tell Natsu as we walk.

"Let's hope your suspicions are wrong." Natsu smiles softly but I just sigh.

"I knew it!" We hear a voice yell from behind us and turn and look and see Gray running up to us. Natsu quickly lets go of my hand and turns to face him. "I knew you were in love with this girl!" He shouts and points to me.

"What do you want Gray?" Natsu growls

"I came by to walk to school with you since your bike is still in the shop. I went to your house and your parents said you just left so I decided to run and catch up and I see you holding hands with this girl."

"Her name is Lucy." Natsu growls and glares at him

"Alright. Care to tell me why your holding her hand?" Gray asks and folds his arms across his chest

"I don't have to tell you anything!" Natsu snaps at him

"Well you should know there's plenty of rumors saying that you're with the goody two shoes of the school and you've gone soft so expect to be picked on or teased or straight up bullied. They've taken the rumors and ran with them. You're going to have to fight to keep your reputation." Gray tells him in a serious tone.

"What if I'm not as good as everyone thinks?" I ask in a menacing tone and they look at me wide eyed. "Just because I'm quiet and smart and try to do good in school doesn't mean I'm soft and Natsu hasn't gone soft either. I can show everyone my other side if they can handle it." I say evilly and with a smirk.

"You sure?" Natsu asks curiously

"Yes. Maybe now we can show them we aren't to be messed with." I smirk and grab Natsu's hand

"Are you completely sure you want to do this? This is a big change really quick." Natsu protests.

"Yeah. I don't want people to punk you for being with me. I figure we can show them we aren't to be messed with and then they will back off and we can just be together." I tell him seriously and hear him and Gray sigh

"It's going to take more than a day. You're going to have to keep defending yourself." Gray says.

"Then I will. I'd rather be with Natsu and show we are strong than try to keep hiding it and let them think we are weak."

"So you want to make our relationship public?" Natsu asks surprisingly.

"Not yet. Let everyone know we are friends first then we can go public." I tell him and he nods.

We finally reach school and I get tons of stares for walking in with Natsu and Gray. Natsu can stick by me now that we decided to let people know we are friends. We walk in to class when the first bell rings and earn a lot of surprised stares.

The Bad Boy and Me✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now