Without you I feel broke

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Time skip and Natsu's POV
I visit Lucy every day but she still hasn't woken up. I can't go to school because seeing her empty chair reminds me of where she is and seeing the pained looks on everyone's faces just breaks me. I went to school that Monday and everyone knew about her. Whispers were everywhere as well as finger pointing at me. I left. I couldn't take it.

She's been in the hospital two weeks now and I visit her every day and every day I bring her something new. Her parents throw away the dead flowers and take home the stuffed animals whenever I bring a new one. They insist I don't need to do this but I want to. I need to show I care somehow and this is it right now.

Time skip
A month now she's been in there. She shows signs of waking but hasn't fully come to yet. The doctors said she wants to wake up but her body won't let her. Her brain waves are becoming more active so she's awake but barely. Think of it as a half asleep and half awake thing. I come in every single day and talk to her and hold her hand but nothing. When her dad gets off of work they come over here and I leave. Today I had just gotten home when I get a call from her dad.


"Natsu. She's awake." He says in a shaky voice

"I'm on my way." I tell him and hang up quickly.

I turn my bike back on and rush back over. I couldn't run fast enough to get to her room. I run to her door and stop. I look in and see her laying there with her eyes open. She's focused on her parents and hasn't seen me yet.

"Lucy." I say softly from the door and slowly walk in the room. She sees me and her eyes grow wide. Then they get watery. Then she looks away.

"Lucy hear him out. Please. We did." Her mom begs her.

She looks at me with such pain and anger in her eyes it hurts. I walk to her and touch her hand but she weakly moves it away. I sigh and begin my explanation. She looks at me with a mixture of emotions as I explain everything. We both end up crying. I can tell she understood everything but it doesn't change the fact I hurt her so badly.

"I understand. You wanted to save me. But it doesn't change what you said and did. You hurt me more than you can imagine." She says with so much pain in her voice it's heartbreaking.

"Lucy you know I'd never intentionally hurt you..."

"But you did! Badly!" She yells but weakly. "I trusted you. Had fun with you. Loved you. And finally made love to you and you drop me the next day! What was I supposed to think?! What was I supposed to feel?!" She yells and her voice cracks and fades.

Her parents look at us with total shock on their faces. They had no idea we had sex and they looked shocked and extremely pissed.

I take a deep breath and sigh "we made love when we went to the resort with my dad. Believe me it was never my intention to drop her afterwards. You saw the messages and heard the confession yourself. I love her more than anything! I plan on marrying her someday!" I tell them but they look shocked and hurt still.

I look at Lucy "remember that day at the park Luce? When you were swinging and you asked if I'd ever stop smiling and I said it's not possible when I'm with you?" I ask her and she smiles slightly at the memory and nods. "Remember I said your my soul mate? I know it. I meant it and I still mean it. I know we are meant to be together forever." I tell her but she just looks away.

The Bad Boy and Me✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant