Watch Your Back (Part I)

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Pirate! Lucas X Pirate! Kevin (Levin) And Pirate! Craig X Sireno! Tweek (Slight Creek at the end)
Craig's POV

A/N I watched the Philippine mythical creatures rap and I'm like "I have an idea!" Belated Christmas and happy New Year's Eve :3
The characters in dis oneshot are in da philippines.

Tweek (sireno) , Stan, Kyle, Pip (Gorgon), Heidi (sirena), Randy (Stan's Dad) and Sharon (Stan's mom) are mermaids (Sparky is a dolphin while Dougie is a crab in a barrel)

Wendy, Bebe, Craig, Clyde, Token (deceased), Jimmy, Pete, Lucas, Tricia and Ike are pirates

Eric, Nichole, Butters, Karen (Kenny's younger sister), Kenny, Kevin Stoley, Firkle, Red and Timmy are their pirate rivals

Note: Part 2 will focus on Creek, mmkay?

WARNING: Character Death and Pirate Language (If u don't understand)

"Avast ye!" My eyes widened, as I looked towards to our captain

"Yes, Cap'n?" I asked

"Can ye tell us wha' be that creature o'er thar?" Wendy asked a favor, as I took a look at it

"Where away?" I asked

"Thar!" She answered, pointing to the direction with her hook. It was a female mermaid with dull brown hair, green eyes, lime sea shells on her chest and a yellow-green fish tail, sitting on a large rock.

"Sink me, that's a mermaid!" Clyde, our hookhand, exclaimed.

"I reckon that's a sirena" My brother, Lucas, corrected. While holding my sister, Tricia, our smuggler, in his arms

"Can I play wit' Ike, big brother?" She asked

"Aye, nipper" I chuckled, as she went to Ike. I checked the surroundings as someone jumped into our ship

"Ahoy, mateys!" The female blonde exclaimed

"You come in a fair breeze, lass" Wendy sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose

"No, I be your matey" She replied, "I came back 'cause Token died" she lowered her head

"Token died?" She gasped, as Bebe nodded. Clyde heard that as he cried, I felt bad that Clyde's best friend died.

"He said, 'Be aware o' sirenas or sirenos'" She reminded, how deep...

"Actually, if filipino mermaids fell in love wit' humans," Lucas paused, "They will be obedient towards ye!" He explained, as we all stared at the dark gray haired male, Wendy continued to stir the ship until we heard the sea waves flow.

"Shiver me timbers!" Ike screamed, we looked back as we saw another ship. It was our arch rival, Eric Cartman.

"Har har! We meet again, kumuha ng buhay! (Motherfuckers)" Eric taunted, as Wendy huffed and stirred our ship near Cartman's.

"Kumusta (Fuck off), Cartman" Wendy facepalmed

"Heh, we'll see 'bout that" Eric grinned, as he faced to his mates, "Timmy, blow up th' cannons!" He demanded, while the male in a wheelchair prepared the cannons.

"Son of a biscuit eater.." I mumbled, as we all faced to our captain, "Cap, wha' shall we do?" I asked in disbelief, as Wendy think for a few seconds.

"Bebe, if they be in our ship, they 'ave t' walk th' plank" Wendy informed, as Bebe nodded and pulled out her sword. "Ike, Ruby, Pete, blow up th' cannons!" She ordered, as they nodded in obedience.

She looked at me, Clyde, Lucas and Jimmy, "Ye lads help me blow thar scallywags down" We smiled, as we followed Wendy.

Wendy went to the plank and jumped as the highest to get to Eric's ship, we followed but Jimmy and Clyde remained at the ship, expecting Cartman's men to get into our ship.

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