14) Gods Here, Gods There, GODS EVERYWHERE!

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That title might be just a tad bit strange but I'll explain right now.

Okay, so we all know about the Greek gods, how they're still around and makes things awesome. We also know that every one in a while Percy will go and visit the gods at their home on the empire state building. Right?

Well guess what I've noticed? A lot of people seem to LOVE putting the gods on their stories because for some reason you all want to have the gods visiting their children in every single ducking chapter! LIKE NO! Don't effing do that! Because in case any of you have noticed, the gods hardly ever visit their children. Percy was an exception. How many times did Annabeth's mom visit her? How many times did Jason's dad visit him? How many times has Hazel's dad visit her? I'd add them all but that's too much writing. Let's face it. The gods only visit once or twice. Yeah, Percy saw them at least once every book but that's understandable. Having them there every CHAPTER is unrealistic and annoying.

That's all. Don't do that. Don't disappoint me. I'll be watching.

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