11) Blue Pancakes and Waffles for Breakfast EVERY Morning!

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Didn't expect this one, did you? Neither did I until recently.

There have been a few, like two or three, that I've read where Percy had either blue pancakes or waffles for breakfast, every breakfast. Seriously? Just . . . Go sit in a corner and think about your life.

I mean, COME ON! Waffles and pancakes EVERY MORNING? Are you kidding me!

First of all, it's just... Can you not think of anything else he might want to eat? Do you really think his morning diet consists of only that? Because I know for a fact he doesn't. Want proof? Here:

"Tyson and I took our plates to the bronze brazier and scraped a portion of our food into the flames. I hoped the gods liked raisin toast and Froot Loops."

Also, doesn't it say he only really eats that on special occasions? Let me check... Yup! Here:

"My mom made blue waffles and eggs for breakfast. She's funny that way, celebrating special occasions with blue food. I think it's her way of saying anything is possible."

And there. So, don't go overboard. I get the blue food stuff has kind of become Percy's trademark thing, but seriously? Don't go all crazy and make EVERYTHING he eats blue. He does eat normal food.

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