9) Let's Tone Down The Drama A Bit

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Want know something that seriously gets me mad? A lot of unnecessary drama. Like, jeez, is this a shojo beat manga or something? Come on!

Like, ugh. You guys want to have Nico in love with Percy, but Percy might still be on love with Annabeth. Annabeth has completely moved on with another guy, who is secretly gay and in love with Nico. But then there's Jason who is secretly in love with Leo, who has a crush on Nico. Piper likes Annabeth, who actually is lesbian and likes Reyna. Poor Reyna is dragged into this whole thing and doesn't even know what the fuck is going on. Oh, wait, Octavian likes Nico? Nico had a fling with Octavian, who gets jealous of Percy. Then Thalia shows up and denounces Artemis for Nico.

Oh my gods I can't anymore. If there's nothing I hate more than perachel and Octavian, is thalico. Even before pernico, I used to get a burning pit of anger in me when I saw stuff about thalico. First, just no. Secondly, she's a Hunter of Artemis. Thirdly, I just can't see either of them in a relationship, especially not with each other. They're just too different. It would never work.

Whoops, sorry, I strayed a bit. Wow, you guys got two rants in one chapter. I have no regrets though.

Anyways, once again, tone down the drama a bit. A story doesn't need that much drama. Remember what Frank told Annabeth? Keep it simple.

Props go to anyone who was able to follow that love rectangle-star-square-hexagon stuff.

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