2) Nico's a Mary Sue?

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Pay close attention to this one, demigods.

Okay, okay, you guys are probably wondering about the title. What's a Mary Sue, you say? Well, a Mary Sue is a Bella Swan. Yeah. Disgusted? You should be.

A Mary Sue is a person who is weak and can't take care of themselves. They need their 'hero' to come in and rescue them all the time. Gross, right?

Whale, guess what I've noticed has been happening in pernico/percico fanfics? You may have guessed it... Yup, you guys are turning him into a Mary Sue.

Hard to believe right?

Well, YOU ARE. And, take it from me, it's infuriating to read. I HATE how Percy always has to rush in a save Nico because he's getting beaten up by something or another. Like, seriously? I know we all see Nico as the girl in the relationship but come on. Is that really, really, really necessary?

Nico survived freaking Tartarus ALONE for Hades' sake. He IS NOT some weak, defenseless little boy who needs Percy to save him. He's a demigod who has survived. Not only that, but he's a son of Hades who makes it out in the mortal world. I'm pretty sure he can hold his own in a battle. He doesn't need Percy, no matter how 'cute' or 'romantic' it is.

There are a few stories that don't make him a Mary Sue. Congratulations, you know who I'm talking about. I love you guys for not ruining an amazingly strong person.

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