13) Let's Talk About Swords

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My effing gods, I can't believe I have to flipping do this! You all should have read the flipping books so I shouldn't have to freaking do this!

Do what?


Okay, let me go into detail. You guys seem to liking the movie better than the book because for some reason unknown to me, a few writers here seem to think that Percy has to click Riptide. Anyone else see what's wrong with that sentence?

I can't believe you all. In every single flipping book it says Percy uncaps Riptide, NOT clicks it. Here, I'll show you.

PJ&tO: TLT - "I took off the cap, and the pen grew longer and heavier in my hand. In half a second, I held a shimmering bronze sword with a double-edged blade, a leather-wrapped grip, and a flat hilt riveted with gold studs." Riordan, page 153

PJ&tO: TSoM - "I uncapped my ballpoint pen. It shimmered, growing longer and heavier until I held the bronze sword Anaklusmos in my hands." Riordan, page 39

PJ&tO: TTC - "I uncapped Riptide.

The pen grew in my hands into until I held a bronze Greek sword about the feet long with a leather-bound grip." Riordan, page 15

PJ&tO: TBotL - "It took all my willpower, but I got my pen out of my pocket and uncapped it. Riptide grew into a three-foot-long bronze sword, it's blade glowing with a faint golden light." Riordan, page 11

PJ&tO: TLO - "With that, my old friend flew off into the night. I took my pen out of my pocket and uncapped it, and Riptide sprang into full size-three feet of deadly Celestial bronze glowing in the dusk." Riordan, page 12

THoO: TLH - Okay, Percy wasn't actually in here but I'll improvise. "'Yeah, Percy has this really cool pen called Riptide. When he uncaps it, the pen turns into a really awesome bronze sword.'"

THoO: TSoN - "The pen didn't look like much, just a regular cheap ball-point, but when Percy uncapped it, it grew into a glowing bronze sword." Riordan, page 6

THoO: TMoA - Okay, it's not mentioned in there either but you guys get the point! It's uncapped!!! NOT CLICKED.

I'm not going to do The House of Hades because I have a bad feeling I'm going to have to look through the whole book like I did with The Mark of Athena. But, I'm sure you all get the point: Riptide is uncapped, not freaking clicked. Seriously, get with it. Don't believe the movie. It's all just a bunch of lies.

Now, let's talk about one other weapon. Jason's, to be specific.

I'm sure we all know that in The Lost Hero, Jason had a really cool weapon that took the form of a coin and when he flipped it, it would either come out as a sword or lance. Really cool, right? But, did you notice what I said earlier? In The Lost Hero Jason had a really cool weapon. In The Lost Hero. Got that?

I don't know, I think you guys may have forgotten this but Jason lost that weapon at the end of The Lost Hero. Don't remember? Think I'm lying? Here's your proof:

"He swept his spear sideways, met Jason's javelin-and with a snap like a shotgun blast, the golden weapon shattered."

There. Of course, later on, Hera/Juno gives him a new golden sword to replace the weapon he lost.

"Then she handed Jason the sheathed gladius. 'Take this for the weapon you lost.'"

That's all. Remember. Riptide is uncapped and Jason has a regular sword. Keep that in mind.

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