6) Kronos and Gaea and Tartarus?

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Wow, I bet those names send a shiver down any demigods back.

Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to bring up the three biggest threats our favorite demigods have ever had to go up against. Why? Well, I'll try to keep out simple.

This goes out to ALL Percy Jackson fanfics, because I can assure you it's not just in pernico. It's everywhere. What exactly am I talking about? Well, only one of the most used story lines: Gaea and Kronos come back and/or they must go back into Tartarus.

Take a moment to let that sink in. Just read it over and over again until it infuriates you as much as it does to me. Because, seriously, guys? Have you all REALLY sunken that low?

It's simply a bad plot. It's used.Uncle Rick CLAIMS that. HE CAME UP WITH IT. Come on, I'm sure we have bigger imaginations than that. Is there nothing better you can think of?

Before any of you try to tell me that it's a 'good plot,' let me point out a few things to you:

1. They already effing BEAT Kronos. Or did you forget? Here, let me refresh your memory.

"'Annabeth did save him,' I said. 'Luke died a hero. He sacrificed himself to kill Kronos.'

'I appreciate your words, Percy. But Kronos isn't dead. You can't kill a Titan.'


'I don't know,' Hermes grumbled. 'None of us do. Blown to dust. Scattered to the wind. With luck, he's spread so thin that he'll never be able to form consciousness again, much less a body. But don't mistake him for dead, Percy.'"

Yes, I know, it said there's a chance he might come back, but think about it; that won't happen for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. It took Kronos, what, three thousand years to come back from being chopped to pieces. Yeah, he's totally coming back three years later. Yup, sooo going to happen.

2. Pretty much the same reason for number 1. They WILL defeat Gaea. When they do, it'll take her hundreds or thousands of years to wake up. Again, she's not going to wake up right after they put her back to sleep.

I don't want to hear that 'But what if it's a Chaos story and he's gone for thousands of years!'

Who gives a flying duck!? The same things could apply. Also, if you're going to write, be original. Don't reuse Uncle Rick's old story lines. It's just not interesting to read.

3. Tartarus. . . Oh gods help me on this one . . . ARE YOU SERIOUSLY QUESTIONING WHY I'M PUTTING THIS ONE!? It should be pretty freaking obvious!

I just can't right now . . .

It's just so obvious why you should not just throw a trip to Tartarus into your story. Falling into Tartarus wasn't just to ruin our lives. It wasn't just to close the Doors of Death. It was to help show how far Percy and Annabeth have come. It's to show just how strong Nico really is. Do you guys honestly think any of the others in the Seven would have made it? NO. That's why it was Percy and Annabeth. That's why it was Nico. All the love and trust and courage they have is what got them through. Now for Nico... That guy is just fucking badass. If you don't agree, you're wrong. Simple as that.

Sending them back down there is wrong and just plain . . . stupid! There, I said it. It's stupid! Go ahead, throw whatever argument you want at me. I don't even care when it comes to this.

That's all. My rant is finished. I am thoroughly upset.

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