Chapter 10

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Hi Everybody.. Welcome back to Home Well Go 😜 Well.. my friend read this and she didn't recognise most of the characters so I just wanted to say most of them where made up 😟 yeah I know 🙄 anyways 😝
Enjoy ❤️
Song: Happier
It's been a long day, especially how everyone was upset about how Raven had gone missing. Pip walked into Apollo's stable, he perked his ears up and looked over at the door while munching on his oak mix. She smiled and patted his neck, he noticed something was wrong with her so he nudged her chest which knocked her back a bit. "I know boy" she said stroking behind his ears. "I've done something wrong and I don't know what to do.." she said her eyes tearing up. Apollo nudged her again and went back to eating his mix, she smiled and patted him "I knew you would understand" she said and walked out of the stable to go grab her grooming kit from the tack room. She walked inside and went to the cupboard which had everyone's grooming kits in. She opened it and grabbed a green bucket which had Apollo's name on it wrote in big bold writing. She took it back to Apollo's stable and set it down on the floor by the door. She grabbed his curry comb and started brushing up by his neck in circular motions. Once Apollo was groomed she brought his tack from the tack room and place it on the stable door. She heard someone talking in the stable next to Apollos, Mia and Susie. She snuck up next to the door and peek in seeing the two girls grooming Darcey. "I mean it.. who ever put Raven in the bottom field will be getting it" she heard Mia say. Pip just sighed and walked back into Apollo's stall grabbing his tack.
(Sorry guys I just want to say, I'm writing this in the car and someone just crash infront of us, I'm ok 🙂 I'll be back)
(Ok I'm back 😊)
She led Apollo out of his stable and up to the arena, she opened the gate and walked into Apollo behind her. She tied his reins to the fence and walked to the jumps. She set up a course with jumps that where 4FT and she put a water jump in there, just to make things more exciting. She untied Apollo and mounted him, taking him around the arena in a slow but active trot. She kissed him into canter and made there way towards the first jump, she used leg and Apollo flung over the jump while Pip leaned forward. She smiled when they landed and she turned toward her next jump. They jumped it no problem at all, she stopped when she saw Zoe run up the the arena and call for Pip. She kissed Apollo into a trot and went up to Zoe, dismounting from Apollo. Pin was behind Zoe looking at Pip. "What's up?" Pip Asked, "we think Ravens Still On The Island" Zoe said with a little hope in her voice. Pips eyes widened "really? How?" She said opening the gate and leading Apollo through it. "There was a storm last night which means the ferries wouldn't have been running, which means there's a big chance Ravens still here" Pin said, and Pip smiled. "Well shouldn't we go look?" Pip said looking back at Zoe and she nodded. "Where going to go get everyone now, come on" She said running to the tack room Pin running behind her, while Pip led Apollo and tied him to a fence. She walked into the tack room and heard Zoe say "there may be a small chance of finding him, but wouldn't you Atleast like to know you tried!" Zoe shouts making everyone go silent. "This isn't about you Zoey, for once in your life can't you get that" Mia said making the 'disgusted' look on her face. Zoe goes to speak but Pip cuts her off "yeh but Mia, the ferries weren't running yesterday" Marcus turns around "really?" Pip faces him "yeah" jade looks up "Which's means Raven is still on the Island" "And If we hurry now, we can find him" Zoe says walking out to go grab major. Everyone else stand up and walks out but Mia last. "I'll make sure I find Raven, so Zoe's plan can't work" she smirks and goes to get Sparkles.
Everyone had tacked up and left, they where all cantering down the main field that they used. Zoe stopped and turned around and everyone stood in a circle, Pin stood next to Pip. "Ok we are going to search all of this island and leave no stone unturned" Zoe said, Mia just rolled her eyes and looked at Susie. "Ok Pin, Jade go check up by the beach and the Fields" They nod, "Becky, Marcus go south" Marcus nods but Beckys eyes go wide, before Becky can speak Zoe cuts her off "Mia and Susie go check North, Me and Pip will check the caves" Zoe says looking at Pip. "Oh and if the storm comes head back" Marcus says. They all nod and Zoe speaks again "ok everyone let's go" and with that everyone canters in different directions. Pin waits a second and watches Pip go, making sure she's ok. He turns Elvis and gallops after jade. Mia, Susie, Zoey and Pip all went the same way and now where back to a active walk. "Raven!" Zoey calls out but nothing.. Major starts flipping his head around, acting like a young colt "major stop messing around" Zoey says try to pull his head straight. "Try shorten your reins" Susie says smiling at her, Zoey shortens then and major stops moving his head around. "Hey it worked" Zoey says smiling at Susie which she returns.
-1 hour later-
The sky had turned a evil shade of dark grey, and the wind had gone to a fast pace. The girls horses started to become jumpy and skittish, "guys I think we should go back" Susie says going into a halt, Zoey and Pip stop as well "she's right, the storms about it hit" Pip says. Mia carries on walking, her hips swaying side of side with the rhythm of her horse. "Ok you guys go, I'll catch up" Mia says looking ahead of her, "wait what no, Mia you have to come with us" Zoey said making Mia turn sparkles around "oh of course, just so you can find Raven and get all the glory" Mia says is her troublesome voice, "what are you talking about Mia?" Zoey says annoyed "you think Everything's about you, but it's not Zoey, because where's your dad? Oh wait he didn't want to come with you, I'm not surprised" she said making Zoey angry "guys please" Susie says her horse Darcey stepping back. "But where's your dad Mia? Waving a credit card and completely ignoring you" that made Mia stop and look to Susie. "You told her?" Mia said "I'm sorry Mia, she tricked me" Mia just turned sparkles and kissed her into canter and takes off into the woods. "MIA!" Pip shouts kissing Apollo into a canter going after Mia. "Susie, go find the others tell them that we'll find Mia and be back" Zoe says to Susie cantering off after Mia and Pip, while Susie turns Darcey and gallops up the field. Pip pulled on her reins and came to a immediate halt, she looked around and saw nothing but thick trees. She heard someone come up behind her and saw Zoe stop. "Where is she?" Zoe asks, "i don't know, all I can see if thick trees" Pip says kissing Apollo to walk on Zoe following her. "Mia?!" Zoe calls but she can't hear anything, suddenly the sound of a whinnie echos the cold winter air. Pip looks around and saw a bae horse come around the corner. Mia. "Guys.. something's out here, I think it's a horse" she says a face full of worry, "yeah we can hear it" Pip says looking at Mia. "We best go, before the storm
Gets worse" Zoey turns, looking at both of them. But out of know where a flash of white blinds them and a bang follows behind, Sparkles rears and Mia slips of the saddle and lands on her back. Sparkles gallops out of the forest and back into the field. "Mia!" Zoey shouts dismounting Major and running to Mia's side. Another flash of light bangs through the island, Apollo jolts back and tears up high, whinning he turns around is a circle, Pip almost falling off and Apollo bolts out of the forest. Pip still on his back, she has no control of him. She try's pulling on the Rein but Apollo doesn't stop he keeps bolting. He turns around a sharp corner, and bolts straight up the path. Panic rushing through Pip as she starts slipping off of her saddle. She hangs onto his neck, but it doesn't help, he goes faster than before. "Apollo Stop!" She shouts when they approach a fallen log. Apollo's flings himself over, and bucks making Pip go flying off of his neck. She lands on her side, she heard a crack come from her arm. She starts coughing badly, somethings wrong with her chest. She slowly looks up while coughing and sees Apollo enter the other field bolting away. She tries to get up but just falls back onto her arm, she winces in pain and grabs her arm. It's broken. She starts choking rapidly, she needs help and fast.
-with the group-
The group appeared in view of the barn, Susie had managed to find them and tell them that Mia had gone off upset and Zoey and Pip went to find her. They saw a black Land Rover pill and and the drivers door open. Mia's dad rushes out and runs over to them, "I got a call from Sam, told me to meet me here" he says looking around "where's Mia?" He raises a eyebrow. "I'm sorry she's still out there" Marcus says looking back. "She got upset, and ran off into the woods, Zoey and Pip went after her" Susie informs him. Just then there's the sound of a horse galloping up the field, everyone turns and sees Mia's horse galloping up toward them. "Isn't that Mia's horse? Sparkles!" Becky says as she approaches. She halts and started rearing like a young out of control filly. Pin dismounts and goes to calm her down, "Susie said there in the forest, I'll check there" Marcus said turning his horse Monty around, "I'll take the roads" Mia's dad says turning around and walking to his car. As Pin calmed Sparkles down, he saw something in the corner of his eyes. He looked over and saw a Bay horse walking up with two riders. Zoe and Mia. "There they are!" Pin shouts, Mia's dad turns around and sighs in relief "thank goodness" he says and rushes over "she's hurt" jade says to Marcus which he rushes over on Monty. He takes Mia off Zoe and takes her to the tack room, Zoe dismounts and puts majors reins over his head. But pin walked up to her, "Hi pin, is Pip back?" He looked into her eyes. "I thought she was with you" but she shook her head, "Apollo got spooked by lightening and took of with her and we don't know where she is, we thought she would control him and come back here" panic flooded Pin immediately and he mounted Elvis. "Tell Sam, I've gone to search for my sister, oh and call my dad" he says and kisses Elvis into canter, taking off down the field. He turned corners and searched all around the fields, nothing. He had one more field left so he pulled on his Left Rein and cantered into the fresh green field. Something caught his eye, he saw a small black lump at the bottom of the field next to a fallen log, Pip. He kissed Elvis into a quick gallop and took off down the field. He reached Pip and dismounted from Elvis, and rushed over to her. He crashed on his knees and looks down to her, she was half awake. "Pip.. can you hear me" he says waiting for a response but all he got was a small nod. "Ok where does it hurt" he said and she slowly picked her arm up and pointed to her left arm. He looked at her left arm and gently touched it but she flinched and winced. He pulled his arm back and sighed, she starts choking laying back on her side in the mud. "Shh shh.. your gonna be ok Pip, just try stay awake" Pin said in a calm voice while he ran a thumb on her cheek and taking off her helmet. He wiped away one tear that slipped from her eye, a small smile crept on her lips but faded when pain struck her arm again. "P..Pin.. you need to get me home.." she slowly and quietly said, he nodded and slipped a arm slowly under her back and under the dip of her knees. He picked her up bridal style, her head handing back on his arm. He slowly took her to Elvis and laid her in front of the saddle side ways, half of her body hanging off and the other hanging the over side. He slowly mounted trying to not knock her off and kissed Elvis into a slow walk. He held onto her with one hand making sure she doesn't slip off.
-back with everyone at Bright Fields-
Everyone was in the Tack Room with Mia and her dad, the ran was chucking it down and the thunder/lighting was getting worse. Just then, everyone heard a ear splitting Whinnie from a horse. Everyone other than Mia and her farther rushes outside and saw a pieblad rearing and bucking around the stable. Apollo. Marcus and Sam ran over and tried to get a hold of Apollo, once they did they took him into his stable and calmed him down. They fed him and put his rug on, making him feel warm and heated. (Not like that 😂) Marcus walked out of his stall and shut the stable door behind him. He turned around a saw a chestnut gelding walk into the yard with two riders. Pin and Pip. He rushed over and saw Pip lay across Elvis's beck. Pin dismounted and slowly lifted Pip off of Elvis. He quickly carried her into the tack room and everyone looked even Mia and Mia's dad. Pin set her down on the other couch that they have and wrapped a towel around her back. She was cold to the bone, shivering like a homeless puppy. Her breathing was slow and croaky, she had her eyes closed trying to ignore the pain in her arm. "What's wrong with her? What happened?" Marcus asked looked up at Pin. Pin sighed "Apollo got spooked by lightening and took off with her, he either threw her or she fell.. we won't know until she's ok to tell us" he said sitting down in a chair next to the couch. Marcus nodded "um Pin, I think there's something wrong with her breathing.." Jade said looking down at her as her breathing started to decrease rapidly. "We have to get to hospital" Zoe said, Pin nodded and slowly picked her up trying not to hurt her. Zoe, Pin, Jade and Becky rushed out with Pip and Ted pulled up in his truck. Pin opened the back door and layed her across the back seat, slowly and gently. He shut the door and jumped in the front, but he turned his head and looked at the others "how are you going to get there?" Pin asked, but then a blue car pulled up and a tanned man (hope that isn't racist, because I'm not 😬) jumped out with the rest of Zoey's family. "Dad?!" Zoey shouted and ran into his arms. "Well get there with Zoe's family, just go" Jade said shutting on Passengers door on Teds truck. Ted starts driving down the drive way, out of Bright Fields. "What's wrong with her?" Ted asked keeping an eye on the road, due to the rain being really heavy. "Apollo got spooked and took off with her, she fell of some way and landed on her arm, which I thinks broken and she's having breathing problems" Teds eyes widened and he stepped on it, speeding down the road.
They reached the hospital car park and Pin jumped out, opening the back door. He picked up Pop slowly, and held her bridal style. Another car parked two spaces away from them and the rest jumped out and ran over. "Is she ok?" Zoe asks and Pin looks at her, "I hope" he turns around and carry's her through the hospital entrance, everyone else following. They got stares by people waiting in the waiting area but Pin didn't care, he wasn't going to loose another family member. Especially her. The reached the front desk and a woman looked up at her, Ted explained the situation and she called a doctor over. One came rushing over and saw Pip in Pins arms, he gestures him to immediately follow him. Only Pin follows , he looks down at Pip hoping she would be ok. The doctor opened a door into a small room which had a white bed a loads of machines around it. "Ok just lay her slowly on the bed" The Doctor said and Pin did as he was told. He lay her on the bed gently and then stepped back. Two other nurses walked in and stood in front of Pin, the one turned around. "Sir I'm sorry, but your going to have to left for now, we'll call you in later so u can see how she's doing" she smiles and he nods walking towards the door. He turns around and looks at his sister one last time and sighs, opening the door and walking back to the waiting area. Ted looked up and saw Pin "how is she?" That made everyone look up. "There going to call us in when she's ok, they'll inform us later" Ted nods and leans back in his chair. Pin goes and sits next to Zoe and she wraps a arm around him "she'll be ok, promise" He looks at her and smiles and she leans her head against his shoulder.

3124 words Hope your proud of me! 🤤 anyways I hope you enjoyed 😫 I haven't wrote a paragraph like that in ages 🤪 but oh well 😴
Bye 👋

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