Chapter 8

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Hi everybody welcome back to Home Well Go! 😴 Hope You Enjoy This Chapter! 🤭 I'm thinking of ending this at chapter 15 or 30 🙄 but I was thinking of maybe putting a sequel out 🤫 I'm not sure yet 🤒 hope you had a great Christmas! Christmas photo 🤷‍♀️⤴️
Enjoy ❤️
Song: Rainbow (one of my favourite 🤪)
-2 Months Since The Accident-
It's been 2 months and nothing's changed, except for Pip. She had her crutches and boot taken off and she was free to walk again. Except, she hadn't gotten back to riding Apollo. She had been on Elvis but Pin was sat behind her to make sure she didn't get hurt. Sam, the owner of Bright Fields has offered for her to have free lessons to get her confidence back but she refused. She would come say hello to Apollo every now and then but was to nervous to get back on him.
She was sat on the hill looking down at all of the fields as far as eyes could see. She sighed and out her head on her knees. She missed galloping across this place, missed the wind blowing through her hair and missed everything. She heard someone clear there throat from behind, she turned and saw Pin walking up to her. She smiled and turned back the wind blowing her hair to the side. He sat down next to her and put a arm around her "what's wrong?" He asked concerned. She looked up into his greenish eyes and sighed "it's just.. I miss riding but I'm to scared to get back on a horse.." she looks back out at the pastel sky. "Well.... you trust Apollo right" he raises his eyebrow and she laughs a bit. "Well of course" she replied looking at him. "If you trust him, then you would be riding already" he looks into the distance and she keeps looking at him.. he was right. "How do I know I'm ready though?" He looks back at her and smiles "your already ready.. just give it a try.. I'll help you tomorrow you can come to bright fields" she smiles and nods. "Well we best be going home, it's getting late" they both stand up and turn making there way back to there small home. Pins arm wrapped around Pips shoulder.
-The Next Day-
Pip walked over to Apollo and patted his neck, "are you ready boy.. I trust you ok" she whispers and Apollo snorts as if responding. She giggles and walks over to the fence grabbing his tack. Once he was tacked up, Pin walked over with Elvis already tacked and groomed. He put Elvis's reins over his head and walked over to Pip. "You ready?" He akss tasing his eyebrow, she replies with a simple nod and he bends down making a dip shape with his hand. She puts her foot and and swings the other one over gently. She takes a second to breath in and back out and she straightens up, "You ok?" Pin asks looking up at her "yes I'm fine.." he smiles and walks back over to his own horse mounting and starts walking down the path. Pip turns Apollo and walks behind him, she looks around she just realised how much she really missed this. She felt the same cold air brush against her faces and through her brunette hair. She kissed Apollo into a small trot to come up next to Pin, it took her a while to get used to Apollos rhythm again but she got the hang of it.
Once the reached Bright Fields, they both turned there horses and entered the court yard. They dismounted, Pip coming down slowly and landing hard in her feet making her wince a bit. Pip saw a girl, tanned sort of skin and big poofy brown hair walk toward them. She smiled and looked at Pin "hi pin, who's this" she says looking at Pip. "This is my sister, she's starting riding here after her incident" the girls eyes widened and her mouth dropped slightly. "So your they girl who fell of her horse at the competition" Pip nods and pats Apollo's neck. "You ok?" She girl asks, Pip looks up and sighs "i'd rather not talk out it" she said and looked at Pin. The girl nods and walks away into a room which Pip was guessing the tack room. "So when can I start learning again" Pip said making Pin look at her. He smirked and spoke "how about now, if I can find Marcus" he said Tying up Elvis and walking off to find..... whoever he said. Pip just stood there and waited until another girl walked up to her, Pip sighed and smiled. "Hi, who are you?" The girl smiled "I'm Piper, Pins sister but please call me Pip" She responds smiling back. "Well I'm Mia, and I just want to say you've got a amazing looking horse" she says looking at Apollo. "Thank you.." Pip said pating Apollo's neck. Mia smiles and walks off and Pin comes back. "Follow me.." he says walking off to a small arena. She follows leading Apollo with one hand on her rein, she looks up seeing a boy around 20 into the arena waiting for her. Pin opens the gate and let's her walk in with her horse. The boy walks up and pulls his hand out from his pocket. Pip uses her free hand and shakes his and he smiles, but suddenly they both paused and looked into each others eyes.. it was him.. the boy that she met on the toad, the one she never went to meet. She let go and looked at the floor embarrassed and he just sighed. "Anyways, I'm sure you've met me.." he says quietly.. and she just nods "and I will be instructing you.." and she just gives another nod.
After the talk she mounts Apollo and takes him on a walk around the arena, "ok now from A to C I want to see a nice active trot" Marcus shouts from the middle of the arena, she kisses him into a trot, lifting and plummeting into his rhythm. She smiles and pulls on her reins slowing him into a walk again. She pats him and carries on walking around, "ok now from H to B, which will be harder I want to see the same but in canter" she walks over to H and kisses Apollo into a straight canter, she sat into his saddle and looking straight head. She had missed this so much.
-2 Days Later- (I'm sorry but I'm really lazy today 😪)
She turned her horse to the right, cantering up to a small cross pole. Apollo ducked his head slightly and took off, Pip leaned forward and stood slightly into her jumping position" Marcus chuckled when she cleared it and she smiled patting Apollo.

I'm sorry but I'm ending it here because my brother just had a massive go at home and I'm crying my eyes out.. 🤧 I'm sorry but hope you enjoyed..
bye 😪

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