Chapter 4

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Hi everybody! Welcome back to Home Well Go! I can't wait to break up for Christmas, Can you? Let me know, down below!
Also swipe for some smexi photos of me and my pony jumping 😘
Enjoy ❤️
Song: 7 Years
She trotted up the path which led to the house, the sun rays just peaking over the horizon. She came into site of the house, and just from a far she could see Pin, tacking up Elvis. She put a 'confused' look on her face and slowed come closer to the house. Pin looked up with a concerned look of his face, Pip dismounted and put Apollo's reins head and looked into Pins eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked and pin looked on turned worse, "It's one of the horses at the stables, he's been stolen.." Pips eyes widen, how could a horse just be stolen, surely coming must have tried to stop them. "Well did you see which way hey went?" She asked but he just shook his head.. "every rider has gone out looking for him but there's no sign.. so I'm going to check around the beach" he said tightening Elvis, leather girth. "Well I'll come with you, Atleast you have a bit of extra help" he stopped what he was doing as if shocked, he turned and looked her dead in the eye. "No, your not! It's way to dangerous, what if I find them and they have a gun, I'm not risking you getting shot!" He said seriously, untieing Elvis and putting the reins over his head. She just rolled her eyes and sighed, he was to protective over her! And she hates it, can't he just trust her.
Once he was mounted and cantering down the road, Pip re mounts her horse and kisses him into a blissful trot, turning up on to the hill where you could see almost everything. She could see Pin cantering with Elvis across the bottom wood, before shortly turning into the woods towards the beach. She smirked and kissed Apollo into a gallop and took off down the steep hill, Pip took her one hand of the reins and put it up in the air like a western rider would do in one of the old fashions films. Apollo snorted and his ears flung back as the approached a dip at the bottom of the hill, Apollo went to stop but Pip kept her in a straight line. Apollo took off in slow motion, Pip leant forward looking to her right where she would turn off. Apollo landed ducking his head with his ears pricked high, he kept him in a canter while making there way up the country roads. She looked around, over bushes and through trees, no sign of the gray gelding.
Darkness started the clean the sky, Pip knew Pin would be home by now. She had gotten to the beach and still no sign of Firefly, she didn't want to stop looking but Pin would be angry at her if she was really late. She kissed Apollo into a steady trot and made there way across the beach, Pip lifting and plumiting to his rhythm. She made her way into the woods, the moon light giving her enough to see. Owls could be heard for miles and fox's could be heard squeaking around the forest. Pip looked around her, her surroundings were all dull and navy.
She swore she saw a figure hiding behind one of the big trees of the wood but she decided to shrug it off and think that her tiredness must be messing with her. They reached the top of the pathway, Elvis was grazing by the crate, which meant Pin was back. She quietly dismounted from Apollo, Tieing him next to Elvis. She took off all of his tack and carried it over to the fence, she felt a cold speck hit her face. She looked up and a rain drop hit her eye, she blinked and smiled. She liked it when it rained, just made the country more fresh and healthy. She set the tack down and grabbed to towels, blue and green. She put the blue towel over Pins saddle, making it stay dry and ready for tomorrow. After she placed the other towel down she quietly approached the front door, known of the lights where on so that would be lucky if no one noticed. She opened the door and peeked in, 'ok good no ones there' she thought and slipped in, shutting the door behind her. She put her shoes by the door and walked quietly down the landing, her dads door was shut so that meant he was asleep. Now just to make sure Pin wasn't awake, he walked lasted his door. Shut. Ok that's perfect! She walked to her door at the end of the hall and opened it quietly before slipping in and shutting it again. Turning she saw something that made her jump back, Pin. He looked up  when he heard shifting coming from the room. He looked at her with 'serious' eyes and that look that said 'honestly 🤷‍♀️'. She gulped and put on a innocent smile, and spoke "your rooms that way.." she said pointing towards her door. He just shook his head, he didn't find it funny.... at... all.. he stood and made his way towards her, his fist curled up in a ball. He stopped right in front of her, looking into her soul. Pip stood there awkwardly.. not knowing what to do or what was coming. "You went looking for firefly didn't you" he said raiseing his eyebrow. Pip gulped and gave him a small nod, looking down at her wooden floor. He sighed and looked up, "I told you not to Pip, don't you realise that you could have got yourself killed, do you know how broken I would be if you died" she just kept looking down, her eyes did start to water. Never had she actually felt this way, she wasn't crying because she was being told off by her brother, she was crying because she was ashamed at herself.. maybe she was reckless.. but was that how he saw her? "I'm disappointed with you Pip.. now get into bed." He said rolling his eyes and walking out of the room. She sat down on her bed looking out of the window, watching as each raindrop fell just like her tears. She didn't realise how much Pin did mean to her, she was lucky to have somebody protecting her. What would she do if she broke her arm during riding, her dad wouldn't be there half the time.
Some time later she was lay in her bed, tossing and turning. She was finding her hard to sleep, due to the loud wind roars from outside and the rain smacking down against the roof. She opened her eyes and looked at her roof, why couldn't she sleep? She felt lonely.. She sighed and got up walking to her door, she opened it and quietly walked down the landing and standing in front of Pins door. She quietly knocked a few times before opening the door and slipping in. Pin rose from his sleep and looked at her.. he knew what was happening "couldn't sleep?" He asked, she just replied with a simple nod. She gave a small smile and lifted his covers of the single bed, she climbed in and lay her head against his pillow. She could smell his sent purely from hear, she smiled as he put the covers back over her. They grinned at eachother and Pip closed her eyes trying to let sleep take her in.
-10 minuets later-
She still couldn't sleep, she was cold. She whimpered with her eyes closed, while shaking from the cold air getting through. Pin was watching the whole time, unsure on what to do, until he though of something which could help. He wrapped his one arm around her waist and pulled her close. She immediately felt the warmth of him and smiled into his chest. She put both of her hands around him trying to get most of his warmth. He smiled and closed his eyes, he was lucky to have her, and couldn't imagine loosing her. Soon enough he let sleep take him in.

Well everybody hope you enjoyed chapter 4! Chapter 5 is next, DUH! 🤣 I'm not funny! Anyways I'll update as soon as possible! Loves you guys 😘😍❤️
Bye 👋

Well everybody hope you enjoyed chapter 4! Chapter 5 is next, DUH! 🤣 I'm not funny! Anyways I'll update as soon as possible! Loves you guys 😘😍❤️Bye 👋

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Smexi! 😴

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