Chapter 9 Daboossy - meow meow

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Brett on the gradus to Parnassum


Holds his lover's head between his hands

tries to be still

tries to shudder less

tries to control the twitches in his body

(sans sécheresse)

Feels his lover's mouth

wet against his belly


(un peu retenu)

For a second, just a second

pulls his lover's head up


to read his face

(a tempo)

lets go

shivers coursing his skin


"Eddy, shh... don't rush me"

lifts his lover's head again

holds his face in the cusp of his hands

so he can see his mouth

bursting red, parted, wet

don't rush

(half-time groove: double time)

strokes his lover's face


strokes his lover's lips

pushes a finger inside his lover's mouth


(animez un peu)

pushes a second finger inside his lover's mouth

the wetness behind the lips

the tongue behind the teeth


his lover kisses his belly

feels the soft hair on his lover's head

(a tempo)

gives himself over

to the pulse inside his lover's mouth

lets each arpeggiated wave crescend

and wash over him

hears the top notes as they cascade upward

each like a bell

ascending, ascending

(très animé)

piu f




POISSON D'OR, après l'amour

Twice wet, Eddy's body flickers,

wriggles and snakes over his.

Brett watches as Eddy pulls himself up on his arms.

The afternoon sun through the window

nets his throat, his chest,

and peppers his skin with a hundred strokes of light.

Brett's hands slip on his lover's back

who arches higher

and laughs,

mouth open, breaking the surface,

surfing the artesian spring from the sunken pond

between their conjoined bellies

Two Violins, One Love, BAEWhere stories live. Discover now