Chapter 3 Brett cheated and ended up somewhere near Alpha Centauri

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They were 15 and 14. Or was he already 16? That's right, not long after his birthday. He'd had only one brief encounter with a girl. Someone he didn't know very much but she'd been kind enough to want to kiss him at a party. And then in the garden afterwards, standing behind a tree, trying to hug and caress each other in the dark, not very successfully. And that was it. Close to zero experience.

To be honest, messing around with girls at parties was not an activity his family - his mum! - encouraged. He loved to party. Finding excuses to sneak out to get to one, felt excitingly bad in itself. He didn't need more. Party was happiness itself.

Brett told Eddy about that one experience with a girl, and exaggerated it to make himself look mature and daring. Eddy had been really interested, curious. He asked questions, what was it like, would he do it again? Nothing like that had happened to him, he said. He'd never dare.

They loved to play video games after practicing. They'd practice separately at Brett's place because the house was big with lots of rooms, then they'd try some duets together, or make up their own, and when they were laughing too much and couldn't play any more music, they'd play video games. That was Brett's thing. He overdid it, he knew that. Even now. And Eddy got the bug off him although he never was as good. Especially at the beginning, Brett always won.

Except that one day. They'd been competing hard, battling a horde of zombies, and Eddy got an opening, seized it, and scored big time. Brett couldn't believe his eyes. Eddy was hooting on the bed next to him, chanting the scores, kicking his feet in the air, and mic dropping.

So Brett cheated. And when he'd done cheating, and pulverising Eddy's score, he nicked Eddy's xbox and rushed out of the bedroom. Eddy hollered and ran after him. They zoomed through the house, startled auntie Biyu and uncle Hai in the living room, raced through the yard, circled round the garden three times until Brett had no choice but to run back to the house, pelt through the living room again with his mum shouting at them to stop, Eddy shouting back "sorry", but still close on his heels with his long legs.

Brett reached his bedroom where Eddy tackled him, and gasping and panting they began to fight on the rug, Brett desperately trying to keep Eddy's hands off the xbox.

"You cheat, give it back!" Eddy yelled.

"You sore loser!" Brett shouted, and he threw the xbox under a chest of drawer.

"I won!" Eddy yelled again.

"You didn't! Admit it, I'm your Senpai! You can't win against me! Say, 'yes, Senpai', Say it!"

He concentrated on pinning Eddy by the wrists but Eddy wriggled his arms out and pummelled his back. So Brett locked Eddy's legs with his, and ignored his shouts of "Ouch, my knees!" He grabbed a fistful of his thick black hair and maybe it's the moment when something changed.

Eddy was shaking with laughter. He couldn't fight back any more, and he looked straight in Brett's eyes. Brett's glasses had long fallen off his face and he was seeing two Eddys. He could control his strabismus so he paused two seconds until his brain could fuse the images together into one. But during that gap, Eddy's expression changed. They were both panting furiously and gasping for air, but the sensations in his body felt different. Brett rolled off Eddy, still holding him by the hair. With his other arm he held him round the waist, so Eddy had to roll on his side too. Brett pressed his heaving chest against Eddy's.

At that moment he felt they were completely alone in the world. His bedroom door had slammed shut, the world outside it was silent. They were on Planet Brett and Eddy, orbiting in space somewhere near Alpha Centauri, just the two of them. Brett felt a rush of heat travel from his toes to the top of his head. He'd never felt so good, so physically good in his life.

He pressed his hand against the back of Eddy's head until their faces were a millimetre apart. Eddy made a noise, a kind of moan, something Brett had never heard before in his life. And again, the hot rush travelled through his entire body upward. He shivered. He felt he would lose his mind if he didn't do something. He didn't know what. But he had to do something.

He felt Eddy's hand on his back and he wound his arm more tightly around Eddy's waist. He pressed his whole body harder against Eddy's. They were both breathing fast. Eddy had closed his eyes. Brett looked at his lips, they were slightly apart. He closed them with his mouth, and tasted salty sweat with his tongue.

And that's how they remained, their mouths clamped together, their hands pressing each other's lower back, their hips almost welded together. He remembered how the sweat on Eddy's back made his fingers slippery, and the moan that drove him crazy, and how after a while he was moaning too - until they were too exhausted, and he relaxed his hold on Eddy.

They were breathing more calmly, more deeply. He'd wrapped his arms round Eddy's shoulders, and Eddy had rested his forehead against his chin, keeping his eyes close. Then he'd felt Eddy's hand travel up his belly, and rest on his chest, and they'd fallen asleep.

Eddy always fell asleep. Wherever he was, he'd nod off and be gone like a light. This was the first time Brett was feeling him fall asleep against him though, his breathing steady against his neck. He remembered holding him, thinking nothing, just listening to Eddy's breath, before he fell asleep too.

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