Chapter 1 Dawn face time

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"Hey man! You look wrecked. Too many parties, Brett, too many! Bad boy."

Brett stared at Eddy's face on his screen, rubbed his nose, put on his glasses and yawned.

"Bro, are you kidding me, it's afternoon only for you. It's 5 am for me. I'm in bed! When was the last time I woke you up that early? Wouldn't even dare. Not that suicidal, you hibernating hedgehog!"

All he heard for half a minute was a crackly chuckle with some time lag between the sound and the pic. He examined his friend. Eddy looked really well. As good as ever. Nah, better. Or maybe it was the distance, and the time away from each other that had improved his looks.

One whole month. Too long.

"Well, not a hedgehog anymore. Been real busy," Eddy, said at last. "Anyway, just checking you're going to be at the airport when I arrive. Still on, man?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"You sound like you're really looking forward to seeing me again," Eddy said.

"Hey! I. Am. I'm just dreaming of a hot cup of coffee. It's 5 am..."

"Something hot coming to you all the way from N.Y., bro! Be at the airport tomorrow, all right? Got the arrival time?"

There was a little pause, then Eddy's face came right up close so Brett could only see one eye and his mouth. "And be on time... for once! Or we're going to be like two violists jumping off a roof. And we don't want that, do we? And I'll sulk. You don't want me to sulk, do you?"

Eddy squashed his nose against the camera, the picture went dark, and he hung up.

Two Violins, One Love, BAEWhere stories live. Discover now