Thirty One

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Another night had approached after the departure of Gandalf and Pippin. Everyone had fallen asleep, everyone but Reann it had seemed. She had somehow managed to be stuck between Gimli, and Aragorn caught inside Aragorns arms at that. Quickly she had moved out and made her way outside of the building and by the fire pits. She had started a fire and sat down against a log making herself comfortable.

"Such a beautiful night, I don't believe I will be able to enjoy many nights like this with war approaching."

In her hands was the book that had belonged to Ori. Thankfully it had survived through everything that had happened to her besides a few smudges. She hadn't gotten the chance to read the book that basically held everything from the start of her journey to the end. Flipping to a random page she had begun to read a section.

Tonight was the night that we had made it Riverdell, where the elves lie. I don't mind being here for a rest they are kind, except there food is rather disgusting. We had made it through a secret entrance thanks to Gandalf. The reason being Warg's that we chasing us. At one point we thought that we had lost Reann from a warg the last thing any of us hearing of her is getting attacked by a Warg.

We were all scared out of our wits thinking that we had lost her. She had not only become a great member but she had became family as well to most of us. So when we were having their food and she popped out very much alive we of course were very pleased. Now night had approached and it seems that I am the only one awake while the rest are asleep.

The stars are very beautiful I have a great view of all the stars in the sky, and the moon. We are leaving right in the morning continuing our journey. After the Warg incident I'm pretty sure that I'm ready for whatever else this journey has in store. As long as I have the company by my side I'm sure we shall be fine.

"That damn dwarf Ori always knows how to push my tears out, whether it had been from laughter or sadness." Reann muttered wiping the tears away quickly and moving more into the book passing through many pictures triggering memories.

She had skimmed through until she had made it near the end of the book. It was an entry a day before the attack, and his final entry.

I wonder how everyone else is doing back in Erebor. I haven't seen them since we departed and they haven't come to visit us. The most we have gotten is dwarves being sent to check up on us, though I wish it was some of the company themselves. Bofurs wonderful voice, the humor of Gloin, and Oin, and most importantly Reann.

The name seems so taboo coming out of my mouth as if she was a person who was only inside my head. These days here have become so lonely and I can tell that Balin has been lonely and missing everyone else as well. I hope we can take a journey back to Erebor so that we can see everyone again just like old times.

These past days I don't know how to feel. Its as if something bad is going to happen.......only a feeling in my stomach. It scares me and I wish it would go away. You think that after everything that had happened I would have been braver now. The only bravery I have lies within the dagger I had gotten from Reann. The dagger being my bravery and making me feel safe and at home.

"You know Reann its good to dwell onto the past." The voice belonging to none other than Merry who had come himself and plopped down next to her.

"What are you doing up Merry you should be in bed asleep it's too late for you." Concern was already filled inside of her

Of course the hobbit just laughed at her "I do believe I can ask you the same question you need some sleep as well. I worry that you haven't been getting much sleep, you're my dearest friend."

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