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A/N: ARGH! Falling behind on writing as we're overly busy at work, but don't wory; the next chapter is sent off to my wonderful beta TheCookieMonster, and I'll keep it up. Somehow. I just need o figure out where to find more hours in the day… ;)

Thank you for all your great reactions from the last chapters, many were really upset with the characters, just as you were supposed to be. ;) Let's see if it gets better or worse in this chapter…


Chapter 10: Perspectives

"I'm going to need a baby sitter once I go back to work," Lance sighed, staring out into nothingness.

"So you're keeping him, then? Or you want to, anyway?" O'Connor asked from his desk where he was working.

"It depends." Lance stretched out his legs. He was sitting on the air mattress as it was the most comfortable spot in the room. O'Connor's bed had been pushed up against his, although they had both slept in one most of the time. "His grandparents might be a better choice, though. I mean, there are two of them and the woman didn't sound ancient. I could visit him a lot and take him some weekends and such. We'll see when we meet tonight. But until there's an official decision of some kind, he's my responsibility."

"Well, the Sanders seem willing to babysit?"

"It's too far from my apartment for me to come here every day, and I want to move back home soon. Besides, Sarah is working too; she's just taken some time off."

"Oh, I didn't know. I thought she was retired now, with her sight and all?"

"Nah, she loves her field. Neuroscience is apparently a hoot."

"If you come work for us, you won't need a babysitter. You can always bring him along to meetings, we don't mind. And eventually you can find him a day care center or something, right?"

"The thing is… if I have a kid I'm not sure I'd dare switch jobs. Which sucks, because I've been thinking about it, and I want to."

"You still haven't spoken to your boss, though… maybe you can have the cake and eat it?"

"Yeah, I need to give him a call, I guess. One thing, though… how about you?"

"How about me, what?"

"Well, if I'm suddenly a parent… are you gonna stick around?"

"Of cour-"

"No!" Lance raised a hand. "Don't 'of course' this, okay? This isn't an 'of course' kinda question. I know we're not really serious or anything, but if you hang around you'll be an important part of his life. That's a shitload of responsibility! And I don't know if you have to go through some sort of screening process either… probably not as we're not living together, but still… oh, and I won't be able to just spend the night or play video games all night. I'll be like Jon Davies; I'll be a family man. Will I be too boring for you?"

"You won't be like Jon."

"Pretty much, yeah!"

"I'm not allowed to kiss Jon."

"Apart from those things, obviously."

"There are other things I'm not allowed to do to Jon as well. Am I allowed to do them to you?"

"Probably. I might need to get drunk the first time, though," Lance muttered.

"Fantastic. Then I'm in. No pun intended."

"Again, I want you to think things over-"

"I'll learn to change diapers! I like kids! I am hoping you keep him, because you'd be a great uncle-dad! And I'm gonna be a great uncle–dad too."

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