My dad is arguing with JARVIS ROFLOL

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You all may remember me talking about my dad looking like Tony Stark and how he now calls him self iron man. Well, it just got better....

What started it was my dad took an oval LED light and put it on his chest, saying, "I am iron man." I was messing around on my iPhone when I had a great idea.

I looked at my dad and said, "I wish iPhone had JARVIS instead of Siri."

The next thing I know my dad starts playing around on his iPhone and I hear him talking to a robotic British voice which says he will not be able to make a flying suit with my dad.


When my dad was talking to JARVIS, JARVIS would say the "I don't understand ____, shall I look it up?" my dad got irritated after awhile so he asked JARVIS if he was blonde. These are the exact words JARVIS said, I promise to Gallifrey I'm not lying, "I do believe we were talking about you, not me."

XD I almost died laughing while dad had that "well some one's a smarty" look on his face.

I think i've started something I will regret..... My dad is talking about making his own arc reactor....... Help me! lol jk

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